New skywalker grow

This was from day 32/33 before and after her hair cut…and a little stress training.


Big haircut! Howd she take the training?

“It’s only hair, it’ll grow back”

Lol I’d say she’s taking it like a champ, I was worried because I did a lot, (probably too much in a small period of time,) stress training and trimmed so I added another week to late veg but I think I’m gonna pull her out and send her into transition.



Oh hell yeah, she’s looking awesome!

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Thanks man, she fluffed back out so fast it’s crazy. Also it’s so much fun to stress her little branches and watch them prop themselves back up naturally!

Gonna get some wires in here real soon to help keep her branches where I want them…sometime eventually before she goes into flower xD

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No prob ! Yeah, she’s definitely alive :slight_smile: It’s crazy how plants can do that, it’s almost like if you don’t pay attention you’d never notice the movements they make… especially when they are seedlings too and stretch and spin around.

I was gonna ask if you were planning on using anything to help train like string, net, etc

Good luck :slight_smile:

You too brotha!

Here are some pics from tonight…



Ok so those posted totally out of order, basically pre trim and post trim… I don’t dare stress branches so soon after changing to 12/12 lighting, maybe in another couple days!

On the flip side, she seems to be drinking water faster than…things that drink fast!! I’m about to go hit up Walgreens for dat R.O gallon before they close just to top off the tank.

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It seems like she’s drinking a ton of one or two of the nutrient bottles and almost none of the others, also can anyone tell me what it means when only a single leaf on my plant looks like this? Just recently noticed it not sure how long it’s been there though


looks like your cal-mag is barely even used, what kind of water are you using?

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  • ((#WebBrowsers)):

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  • (EvenStephenSays): (ItHappensToTheBestOfUs): [ :duck: _Tape]:



Thank youuu, I will put in a support ticket. I’m on my lunch break right now but it seems like I’m locked out of my account somehow, password recovery page won’t load when I type a new pass. I did check the tubes and try playing with them a little bit in case there was a clog or something was happening


Yes ma’am still no pics in journal. Try unplugging it then?

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You can put pictures in that thing? Nice! I never knew. But then I have only updated it maybe once or twice during seed germination as like a prayer to the green one or something.


Speaking of pictures… have some aesthetic pics I took last night checking on her buds!


I’ll take a picture probably after harvest or close to it, but I nearly lost two of the major branches that are near the top during the process of deep defoliation/LST. Saved by roll of tape again!

Edit: top cola pic above looks like she’s stretching towards the light like byyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee #straightdippin


She is looking good what stage are you in?

She looks like the haze plant but a little bit more green.

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Day 17 of flower!! :sun_with_face: I’ve made a bunch of mistakes along the way but she’s persevering for sure. I kept having issues reaching her rear end during trim so she was really thick near the bottom with lackluster nodes that didn’t receive light >_<

Prob will end up extending flower cycle a little bit, I finally got the support rack wires yesterday and did a full and complete trim down and manipulated her branches a bit so that the unloved rear end can prosper! Tried to take pics but I finished trimming right as the light turned off so I had to close up and call it a night xD


Yeah you really just need to do it to learn.

I learned so much from my Sour D grow that we applied to our latest grow and she is amazing.

She is looking great cant wait to see them trichomes growing!