Thanks brotha
Now theyre stacking
Do you have good air flow in the room now with all the plants bushed up
I got three fans an a dehumidifier in there u think
I need more
And an exhaust going? What vents it out of the tent
I do have mine on only to clean out the air in the tent
I would add 4 lbs of Alk up (FYI you can use Normal baking soda to raise your Alk if it’s cheaper for it)
and I would add 1 small package of pool shock…
wait 24 to 48 hours and retest
K cool I’m going to give it a spin like u said bro I seen a YouTube video with a guy dumping baking soda
in his pool
I was scared
to do that thinking
they put more stuff in the alkalinity I guess not thanks
for that
I dumped the 4lb that u told me let it sit over night then today I shocked it with 2lb of shock I think
it wasn’t getting clean
cause of some dubree that fell in cause my tarp sank in over the winter
cause of all the snow
we had will see now
19.1 inches of snow in 24 hours… thats a dump… psssfch
Jesus lord I can imagine
I’m going to be getting more readings for my pool later the water
looks blue the only thing it look
like soapy
bubbles on the surface I’ll take a pick when I get home
today to show u
An for my ladies I’m approaching week 6 I remember u telling me for the cal mag an the organic molasses’s I should be taking it away round weeks 5 an 6 my question is do I take them both away at the same time or one at a time or lowering the dosages on both
I’m not going to lie why it’s soapy bubbles I’m not sure… I haven’t had that problem before… Did soap get in the pool?
You will get different answers to this question…
I would stop molasses and Cal / Mag 2 weeks before harvest… So could be end of week 6 or 7 depends on your strain… Stop both at the same time…
2 weeks before harvest try to get you RH down also I like to drop night temp min of 10 ºF less than your day temp… Get those fan leafs to turn purple