New Grobo owner /questions

Hello everyone,

I happily just received my grobo and had a question on where to place my grobo. Would putting it in a bigger closet be an issue(not sure if there is a minimum space requirement)? My temp range would be 67ºF-75ºF if that helps. If that doesn’t work, how loud/noticeable are the fans?

I appreciate any feedback :slight_smile: Hoping to start my first grow soon.


I have only had my grobo for a little while but, the biggest thing is keeping the back of the unit away from the wall, giving the unit enough air space to circulate and breathe. Wherever you choose it should be some type of clean air flow if possible. If you plan to have the door closed most of the time on the closet I personally wouldn’t suggest it. Overheating, humidity, condensation… Can be some of the issues. I don’t think grobo is any louder than a fridge being in the next room, it never bothers me.


That helps me on where to put it, thank you!


I have mine in a large basement and on a tile/slate floor. In the beginning I had to gain access to pull the plug frequently to reset the Wi-Fi which kept disconnecting. I connected the plug to a Wemo iOS remote control switch so I could reboot easily. I’m in a wheelchair so the slate floor made it easy to spin and get to the back of the unit. Now I really don’t need access to the back except to push the button at the top back right of the unit.
The fans I don’t hear at all. My pump (runs 24/7 after a few days into the grow) is the loudest (about 60 dB) part of the unit.
Good luck and have fun with your grows!





((buying a grobo)):

((room temperature)):




((#SomeReads)): :wink::open_book:


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