Just finished harvesting a grow (will post about that separately) and this time remembered to do some testing before jumping into the next grow. The inner corners of the reservoir cover have some brown crud that seems to have embedded itself into the plastic, no amount of scrubbing gets rid of it - it looks like it grew into the corners, my thought is because that’s the easiest part of the plastic structure to permeate due to the bend (and also seems to affect occlusion of light for same reason).
One of the pieces of advice that I’d not tried yet was to “check for light leaks”. My original thought was, as this unit is specifically designed to be run “as-is” then most constraints should already be accounted for (such as light penetration through the reservoir lid). What I discovered gave me a slight shock, though, so any advice would be great – particularly whether or not you are thinking “yeah, that’s nothing” or “whoa, that’s a lot of light” after watching it.
I’ve also included a pic (at end of video) of what I did to get it so black. This will be the parameter I change for the next grow unless it’s determined that the light shining through isn’t really a big deal.