Levo 2 Oil Infuser $25 Promo Code

Bought a Levo 2 to experiment with edibles after my next grow. Before checking out on the Levo Oil site I decided to search for promo codes just in case, not really expecting to find anything. Ended up finding this code for $25 off:


After adding $5 for shipping insurance, which is optional, my total came out to $229.63. Thought I’d pass this along for anyone interested!


Your going to love it @Hellyesshedid
Best thing i bought after the grobo.
Youll find you use almost all of your plant


@Hellyesshedid ,
Been a minute, hope you’re well!

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Can you clarify - You use leaves and everything in this Levo?

Well, did some more research, and bought one. Code worked! Thanks


I’m excited to try it even though it’s going to be a while before I can. I’m starting a few herbs on my window sill so I’ll be able to use those too :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks, I’ve just been catching up on a list of projects I’ve been meaning to do. Mostly painting furniture and some light reupholstery. I’ll be reprioritizing the Grobo soon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I have the Magical Butter and was wondering how the Levo 2 compares. I really like the Magical Butter machine!

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Based on my research the Levo 2 is the least fussy with the best technology, but I don’t have any personal experience with the Magical Butter Machine. Popular opinion was divided between it & the first version of the Levo, but the Levo 2 seems to have taken the cake.