Leaf discoloration

My leaves are becoming discolored, I change the water every week, what could this be?

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Looks like a calcium deficiency…
But don’t take matters into your own hands, please submit a ticket Submit a request – Grobo Help Center to speak with support so they can properly adjust your PH for you. This way it won’t cause more problems down the line.



Check both your probes for brown gunk on them and if there Gently brush off with an old tooth brush


I just checked the probes, they are as clean as the day the grow box arrived. What is the cause, what does it mean to see that?

Vincent Smith

Means its a ph problem. In the meantime make your nutrient bottles so that you know if they are dispensing properly. Also check bottle lines to make sure there Is no kinks or bends.


First bottle on the left is basic and the next one is acidic. Levels are slightly lower than when first installed but I have no way of knowing if the box is dispensing it properly or not.

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Those levels look fine for bottles 3,4,5 - they appear to be dispensing.

Bottles 1 & 2 raise a question about the water you’re using; it’s not using an alarming amount of these but it is noticeable that it’s compensating (adjusting pH) for something.

Can you share some more detail about what type of water you’re using (from tap, distilled), and are you treating it with anything or using additives?

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I have only used distilled water from day one that is from gallon jugs from the grocery store. I have not added anything to the water or anything else. The only thing I have done since I planted the seed is to drain/fill the tank to change the water every week and nothing else, hence my issue with wts going on

I had similar happen once when I made the mistake of picking up “spring water” from the store, it looked identical to the usual distilled water except for the words beneath the logo. I noticed my mistake when double-checking the pH of the water before adding it and finding it was around 7.5-8 instead of the usual 5.6-5.8.

You should probably submit a ticket to support@grobo.io as well to get advice based on the data from your unit.

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Thank you for the help.

Vincent Smith