Just pulled the trigger and ordered the grobo premium

Let us know when you start if you have odor issues there are a couple things that may help!

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Will do. I personally don’t expect to have oder issues but today I bought an ounce of wedding cake and decided to make some butter for the wife who likes edibles, with ten grams of it. She complained as soon as I started decarbing the herb in the oven at 240. She’s excited about the butter for sure, but the smell not so much… ha. I have to assume she will be upset with a month or two of a constant smell… unless she actually goes numb to it.


You can always invest in a levo 2 it cuts down on the smell a bit and they are fun and easy to use.
You can find them in other colors and most times on sale for $249



Hey. I own a very similar 1,800 sq feet loft in Providence, RI. I have grobo for 2 months now. The noise is something you will get accustomed to. It is like having an aquarium tank with percolating water. I keep the unit downstairs at the studio area. I got used to it that I don’t even notice that. For the first grow… depends on the strain. I grow Amnezia haze (there was no recipe for it yet). I used a generic recipe. I keep extending the vegetation state (now for at least a month already). You want you plant to be up to the second fan before you transition it into flowering. Sativa strains are famous for being slow growers and bushy. You want to use the space inside the unit as much as possible. Hope for no rush here. As for smell… i don’t smell anything outside of the unit, even tho leaves are smelling quite a lot already. I think for the loft space it will be no issue. Good luck.


Thanks Denise. We are practically neighbors. Boston here.

And as for supplies… to totally depends on the strain… since my strain takes much longer to grow, I ordered another starter kit… but no worries. They ship it very quick. You get your new supplies within a couple days. No need to preorder it much in advance. See how your strain is doing and will order accordingly.

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Just got one of these…


Looks wonderful! Is it chocolate flavor or root beer?


Or even better chocolate root beer lol munchie moment :rofl:




Grobo arrived and is settling in.

Meet “The Farmacist”


How do you like the Levo 2? I’ve been thinking about maybe getting one in the future, and was wondering what the pros/cons are? :slight_smile:


That looks really awesome with that setup !! :100: :fire:


I like the levo2. Pros maintaining constant temp. Cons you can only make 2 cups oil and about 14grams. A huge pro is the activate setting as it is far less smelly than when you decarb in the oven.


I agree! Its just so easy to use and my favorite feature is watching it on my phone in another room without having to get up to see how much longer, what stage its on or when it completes! @Enron


Hey there first timer here and did the same thing you did had the money and kinda just took the shot was trying to see your personal update of the grobo and how you like it so far

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It’s about half as loud as an air-conditioning give or take

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I’m loving it. I barely hear mine once I replaced the air pumps.


Let’s just appreciate how bad ass the loft is!

How’s the grow going?


Good. Currently flowering a Shiskaberry, vegging a prayer pupil from clone and just harvested a cheese (that foxtailed bad on me)