You will find lots of help and great people here. When I started I used the search bar like google. It’s all there.
Welcome new members! I’m sorta new myself only been here a couple weeks. I’ve gotten lots of help on all my questions really awesome community!
Hello AG I’m back had to take off 7 months because I moved out of NYC to Tampa. Building a new house from scratch has to be alot harder than growing lmaoooo. We’re finally here thou thank the lord for our amazing blessings. Last time I grew Cookies Gelato and had great results even thou I tried to grow 2 seeds in one sponge. Yeah that was a mistake, but I learned from my mistakes and even harvested almost 2 ounces of sticky smoke. My internet was just installed today and I unpacked my Grobo. My question to the community is this.
- When I packed up my grobo I had alot of nutrients left so I wrapped them up good and packed them up with my grobo. Do the nutrients have a shelf life. They were stored in a storage facility that was climate Controlled are they still good to start another grow ?
2 I also had purchased some critical One seeds and some feminized grand daddy purp seeds they were also safely packed and in the same box as the nutrients. So they were climate controlled as well. Do my seeds have a shelf life ? I don’t wanna risk starting a grow if their gonna fail. Thanks in advance for the wisdom and it’s great to be back guys can’t wait to start this GrandDaddyPurp project.
Congrats! On the new home u should be
Thank you so much
Welcome to the All Growers Family. We are not all growbo owners and like me I’ve got tent’s and growing the TLO way…
Asking questions is what we’re here for…
Welcome again
Congrats friend
Don’t know u but that a nice lab
to u an ur new journey
Hello, everyone I am new here. IJust got my gen 2 solid online yesterday! Excited to see how things go.
I think you will be pleasantly suprised it is a awesome machine!
And welcome, we are glad to accept and help with any questions or concerns you have along the way!
Welcome aboard! I’m fairly new as well been around about 2 months, everyone here is full of info and very helpful. Can’t wait to see ur success!
Hello and welcome to the growing family… hope you enjoy your solid we all i think you’ll enjoy your Grobo … happy growing .
Welcome brother
Read read read. Lots of helpful learning curve lessons in here.
Great place. Use that search bar like google. Tons of information here. Welcome
Ikr the stuff I could do with all that room
GDP my favorite no stress or anxiety… Chills me out
Lol indeed me as well