Increasing yield

Hi All,

We have just completed our first grow. Used an auto flower Green Crack seed. There is a recipe for this strain which we used. The grow seemed to go well, however the yield was low. We ended up with just under an oz. plant was topped twice.

Any tips to increase the yield for the next grow?

Are the


I’m not one of the top growers, but I thought topping an auto is not recommended to do. I might be messing up the technical part but in lamest terms. If you top an auto it doesn’t have enough time to recover from topping. Maybe the reason under weight.


Hey thanks ! Ill Try without topping next time

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I can’t wait until my next grow. I got some tricks up my sleeve. I plan on doing some LST as soon as it is tall as the first fan…and super cropping as soon as it’s time to



((#Harvest)): :clap:



((#YourGrowYourCall)): :herb:

(ForAutoInformation): (ClickHere):


((#Auto)): ((#NotAnAutoGrow)): :video_camera:

(:warning: If your seed is “not an [auto seed]” and you choose ‘an [auto recipe]’ it will stay in veg. stage forever and ever):


Introduce yourself - #147 by Azuri - Welcome - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more

Autoflower setting? - #7 by Stephen - Welcome - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more

Autoflower setting? - #9 by Stephen - Welcome - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more

Auto-Flower question - #5 by SilverGrobo - Grow Techniques - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more

Auto-Flower question - #6 by Stephen - Grow Techniques - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more



((#YourGrowYourCall)): :herb:

(Do what you like with this grow and have it as your base grow for the next grows): (Every grow can be a little different, play around with them and find your favorite way of growing):

(ForToppingLollippoppingPlusVideos): (ClickHere):


((#Topping)): :top:

Introduce yourself - #124 by SilverGrobo - Welcome - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more


((#Lollipopping)): :lollipop:

Tangerine dream auto - #134 by Stephen - Share Your Grow - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more


((#YouTubeVideo)): :video_camera:

Pruning and topping your plant to increase yield - #58 by SilverGrobo - Grow Techniques - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more

My plant is too tall, HELP [RESOLVED] - #26 by Mcmanis - Grobo Support - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more

My plant is too tall, HELP [RESOLVED] - #39 by Stephen - Grobo Support - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more






generally you can top, do low stress training, or instead go with an increased plant per square feet ratio but that is rather difficult with the grobo i guess. maybe you could modify it so it can carry more than 1 plant by adding some holes :smiley:

other than that you can increase the amount of thc slightly by giving your plants a night cycle of 2 - 3 nights straight before harvest. that will make them produce more resin and thc. also boosts the buds.
this is a best practice, however dont expect it to make a great difference.

also you can increase your yield by adding additional phosphorus during the final flowering stage (before flushing of course), as plants have a highly increased phosphorus need. however be careful with this dont use too much, look up for some proper schemes that suit your grow situation


Can you explain what you mean by super cropping ? Thanks!

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If that doesn’t help. Check out youtube. A bunch of videos on it. U might be like me i need a visual

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