Got ya Thanks for the heads up m8
I use Hydroguard from start but I understand
Got ya Thanks for the heads up m8
I use Hydroguard from start but I understand
Right !
Hopefully this will sort my low R.H :
Set to Auto @ 30% (lowest setting)
Not stopped or showed down misting yet & not 100% up on operations but hear goes …
If anybody has some advice on when & how long i should run it please shout …
Oh & I’ve now read the operating manual… Fully !
… #14
Jan 7, 4:28 AM
(Are You Sure):?
(it looks like Its Running Full Tilt Still At 56% RH): {
(WordsFromTheWiseGrowFam): {
(Depends On The Grow Stage): (More Leaves_
Makes It More Humid In Your Grow Space Too): (Location Has A Big Impact On The [Humidity] Too):
[‘Humidity’]: {
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
On Auto & room @ 22° it sets RH @ that amount
But that made No difference with my grobo
Moves Humidifier closer & had to Manually Set RH @ 70% just to get a decent 40 in grobo…Might need to reduce that tho as I might start swimming !
Grobie Still only reading +/- 40% though & been on overnight & morning
Hope you figure it out.
I’m worried personally about the moisture coming out of that, and it’s located right above a power strip… that seems risky. The humidity will drop to the floor if you don’t mix it with the air or raise that humidifier up o_O
Anyone else?
I’ve moved it now & there was no power cable only USB m8
I see what you mean now sorry there’s absolutely No damp/condensation accumulating around the strip but thanks for caring
Okay, well just be careful. It might not seem like it for now, but the longer you run the humidifier, and it hits a certain level of RH% in your room, it may start turning to condensation/droplets… trust me. My floor got soaking wet once or twice from using it on the floor. Wouldn’t happen right away, but after a few hours of using it all of a sudden it would be wet…
I think once the RH hits somewhere in the 60-70% in the room it starts turning to droplets? Idk.
Duh, it’s the Dew Point
“Dew Point - the atmospheric temperature (varying according to pressure and humidity) below which water droplets begin to condense and dew can form.”
& excuse my French but…
I just want a f#@%*= Plant too grow
Ridiculous !
Turned Humidifier down to 60% &…
Previous was 43
70 it is then…Maybe ! Lol
Now where did I put my water wings !
That too !
Oh & Order placed about hr ago …
But with Black Legs !!
Bloody weather:
Too Cold
Too Wet
Getting Too Hot !!
Oh & apparently can be Too Friggin Dry !
Nice stool!
That’s some rough weather over there for sure. Winter grow seems a little more difficult to maintain when it’s super dry and cold. Less humidity able to be held in the air in general, so it’s hard to make that up. Pretty dry where I am too for the most part, but now that my plant is larger my humidity has been rising up…
You’ll figure this all out.
BTW to clarify, the Dew Point is the equilibrium point of how fast water condenses and evaporates… any temperature drop below that level, with the same RH% and the water in the air will become moisture droplets on surfaces… Not sure how that applies exactly to each situation, but I think that maybe in my case I would have the house heated at a certain level, say 70 farenheit, and the RH was low (thus why I was using the humidifier)… But once the RH in my room got to a higher level, and the temperature didn’t change (because my heat is set to a certain level) all of a sudden the temperature was below the dew point for the correlating RH% and that would cause water droplets to form. I can imagine that sometimes the heat would turn off and the temperature inside the house would drop by a degree or two as well, so that could have been a reasoning behind it too. This was usually after running my humidifier for 4-5 hours, specifically some days when I went to work and my wife was home but I let the humidifier run.
… I think.
This humidifier is Awesome btw Apart from its Not A Top Fill
! But as faults go that’s it…(Well Impressed
No sorry m8 but if u do please let us know
Will do, I have asked Grobo, they’re not looking to offer the European market them until maybe next year
They did say someone has done it before so hopefully he sees the post I made about it an reply’s
Good Hunting