It’s in a grobo
Looks fine to me
You may have issues due to the placement of your coco pod.
The top of your pod should be level/flush with the opening of the lid it sits in.
This can cause your roots not to grow due to the lack of water it will receive.
Also your plant looks wet? The inside of your Grobo should never be wet and your plant leaves should be dry to keep insects and mold at bay.
You will need to gently push your pod down or your plant will be in danger of dying.
I pushed the coco pod down and dried the spilled water from the fill. Thank you for the tips. Any and all help is welcome!!
Anytime! Happy growing I’ll be watching!
(Congratulations): (
(How is your little one looking today):?
(SorryThisHappenedToYou): (ProvideThemWithAPicture): (TheyWillSortThisOutForYou): (ShareThisTopicWithThem): (SaveYourPlant):
They don’t look happy not sure what I need to do.
open a ticket if its a nutrient balance the team can adjust