How does the roots look?
Do your roots smell and feel slimy at all…?
Doesn’t seem slimy to me, and i mean, the roots just have an earthy smell. I’m sure that’s normal tho
What’s your temps and humidity like?
Where do I find that at?
Oh - you would have had to add a temp/humidity gauge into the box. And a thermometer into the water. Most do this so they can keep track of these things as it helps troubleshoot when things arise.
What kind of water are you using?
I’ve been using distilled water , I will definitely get one of those and check up on the temperature and see if that’s the problem. What are the correct temps ?
One of my favorite guides is if you are comfortable then your plant is as well. But since everyone is different, below are some general ranges that I found on these forums to be very helpful.
The target levels for your grow depends on what stage you’re in.
Germination & Seedlings
Humidity 65-70
Temperatures 68-77
Humidity 40-70
Temperatures 71-82
Flowering Period
Humidity 35-50
Temperatures 68-78
Late Flowering
Humidity 30-40
Temperatures 64-75
The next question folks are going to ask are how do your nutrient bottles look and have you calibrated recently…? It’ll help if you can’t post a pic of your nutrient bottles for sure. Do you clean your sensors?
To be honest, something is going on and this additional info will help.
And when all else fails you can always put in a support ticket and have them take a look on their end as well. Grobo support is top notch and always willing to get you on track!
can’t tell from the pic if your bubbler is working. do you have lots of bubbles in the res?
Thank you for sharing those photos @PaulyD
Please send in an email to as I would like to look at your unit data. We can definitely dig in and help.
The roots look dark. They should be white. If temp is to high I would recommend using hydroguard. If temps are correct you have another issue.
Yes my bubbler is working, the only thing I could think of the problem being is the water temperature? Idk what else it could be. Just got hone from work and she looks even more sad ): I don’t think she’s gonna make it.
Looks good
(You Can Save Her With Cleaning Those Roots, -And- Lifting Your Pod): (-Plus- A Little More
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