My name is Ken, I live in Las Vegas NV. Just recieved my Grobo today. Do you HAVE to use the Coco pod or can you start it in a paper towel until it “pops” then place into Grobo somehow? I literally haven’t even opened my Grobo yet.
Nice to meet you all & thank you in advance for your help.
Peace, Ken
I just threw my seed in the coco pod & followed grobos instructions, hasnt failed yet.
Many of us use the soak in a cup method or paper towel method and even the pod method its really just personal preference. I use the soak in a cup over night and pop in the pod from there method. Find what works best for you and let us know! Good luck!
Welcome @Pabber123
Honestly man you can do either or. On my 3rd grow and have always done them outside the unit. I personally like to see that the seed is popping opposed to playing the waiting game to see if it comes out. Grobo will recommend that you do it in the coco pod though so up to you good luck!
((#Seed)): ((#Germination)): ((#YouTubeVideo)):
i soaked then used a paper towel so I could see which way the tap root was going then I cut the pod with scissors so I didnt damage the seed when I put it in the pod