First time grower in Florida. I happened to pickup 2 used Grobos a little while ago and figured I would give it a go. So I had someone ask me if you could use soil in a grobo. And I didn’t have the answer so I figured I would ask the experts here! I’m sure it’s taboo. Any info on It would be greatly appreciated.
Not really I mean anything is possible but it wasn’t designed at all to have soil in the Grobo .
Ok. Well I guess @Mpower11 I’m the only stupid one to try. . But to be honest it is actually doing quite well compared to my other seed that I have in my other grobo. But I also have no clue what they are yet. Here’s a couple of pics of them. The one in the coco pod popped before the other 2.
I never said you were stupid or anyone else for trying actually I said it would be possible just it wasn’t designed with soil in mind.
Ps the girls look nice
Oh and should mention that the res is filled with water not dirt.
So your using a soil starter over coco or peat moss
Oh no @Mpower11 I wasn’t saying that you called me stupid. I just have a crazy mind. And have some far out ideas. Guess it’s cause I’m a semi retired custom fabricator that builds for the mouse down here. Well and the dope doesn’t help either. . I like the creative strains.
Yup. Working great so far!
I love that you are trying this out! Grobo should encourage any experiment like this. Did you put the soil in some kind of netting to stop it from falling into the reservoir?
Hey @Stick_figure,
Love it! This takes me back to the early days of development when all ideas were on the board. Here is a pic of one of our early iterations that did include a ‘soil basket’. Full front glass door (bad idea), user button on the front of the unit and the option to fill through the wood top, lol. Always looking for new ways to make growing easy.
@Wake i used a 3 or 4 inch netting pot and just cut the center out and placed happy frog in it.
Hey thanks @Stephen. I have a few mods I’m working on right now. Luckily I have use of a full manufacturing shop still. I’ll post some pics when I have them completed. Hopefully won’t be too long.
Same here! Love the prototype!
@Wake so here are the 2 plants that I had in the grobo. I think they are female. Not a 100% positive. I moved them over to my box that I had been making. Using floraduo. I know there is some nute burn. I had raised the dose a little. And what’s up with the one plant that has light green outside edges? It’s only one the one plant. As for the strains I believe them to be blueberry headband and lavender Jones I think. The other 2 in the front are autos that I had. Figured why not do as much damage as I can right out of the gate. . And those happen to be ewok x sky walker og and creme de la chem. And please fire away and tell me all my faults so I can learn from them. As that’s the only way to learn.
I see nutrient deficiency, not nutrient burn really. Do you use RO water and PH it before watering? Also, the fact that the plants look that good after being transplanted from the Grobo is incredible, congrats. They look perfectly trimmed and once you figure out the nutrient issue, you will be good. Knock on wood but I use soil, Azos, Mykos and GH nutrients and have never experienced any nutrient issues. It’s bound to happen but I think the weed gods pity me since I had such a long bad run with the Grobo. Tent growing has been a breeze.
I was originally using tap for a experiment. And they were doing well. Then I decided to use rainwater. And then they exploded. I check my ph after I dose the water jugs with floraduo. And as for the deficiencies I think I made a batch of the strong bloom and not the veg. So I went back to the mild veg formula. Had a few bumps along the way but they are hardy. Thinking about putting a Sog net in there till the autos catch up then hopefully flip to transition.