Darn my grobo sleeps from 9am to 9pm . Did not wake up in time to read this thread or else i would take a pic of mine. Do u fee like the intensity of light is also down? did you buy a par meter. You can test the intensity of the light. From what it looks like -its the lighting that turns on when its the fill option? I was going to tell u that support might be down today since its Labor day but i dont think Grobo is headquarters in U.S.A. How many more days in flowering do u have?
The light intensity appears to be the same, it is simply the spectrum that has changed. When I fill the light turns green and then back to this bright white when complete. I estimate another 4-7 days in flower and then a 10 day flush. My water change day is tomorrow, I’m thinking of doing it early to see if that whips it back into shape.
Ugh I seriously hope not… first grow for this unit.
That’s what I’d think @Todd.grobo, perhaps a LED burnt out.
Although, these are my two units:
The one on the left is roughly 2-3 yrs old, the one on the right is a brand new light from this year. Prior to the light replacement they were both the same color.
Given that last bit of info, I’d be cautious not to compare a newer light to an older light – there might also be design changes that account for the color differences.
Here they are in photo mode; the cool/warm is from camera auto-adjust but you get the idea.
The one on the left has more red visible than the one on the right, and that’s consistent in both grow and photo mode.
Ive replaced light and mb on old unit so both look the same now. It is likely one of the spectrums is burnt out. As my fix was 8 days and his isclose to finishing. It needs light even if afew hours a day
It’s getting plenty of this “white” light Todd haha, think it will be ok to finish out the grow? As I said earlier, I think she has less than a week in flower and then 10 days of flush.
Its not ideal. However i dont see it hurting the plant.
The difference spectrum won’t necessarily hurt the flowers just express differently if intensity has been effected then it will have smaller buds
good to know if it starts powering cycling though. Mine took 3 hours to cool down inbetween before it would come back on. Not great to see happen in flowering but if its close to harvest
Yea I can see how that would be concerning, luckily in my case the temp is remaining within it’s typical range and no power cycling or anything else out of the norm has taken place. Will report back when I hear from support.
Likely just a replacement led panel. Easy fix as its only the top. Power plug 7.5/10 on force required to unplug power
Good to know
I’m in flower and my light is white. I don’t notice anything different from my other grows. It did shut down on me from overheating a few times this summer.
I would have opened a ticket especially ig its ynder warranty as they can verify
Honeslty if the intensity is about the same - I’ll just finish the grow and then fix it afterwards. Sucks that it happened so late in flower
Agreed, will be interested to hear what support has to say. Still holding out hope that this is a planned lighting shift and that my unit which has been bug free thus far isn’t f’d up…
Heard back from support. It does appear that there is an issue with my light as shown by indicators on their end. They have scheduled a call with me on Thursday afternoon, to run a spectrum test. Will report back what we find.
I’ve never grown w/ LED b4 Grobo. I’ve had my Grobo for over 2 yrs & the only time it changes color is drain & fill. I have never seen it any other color than blue when the door is closed.