Grobo outdoor transplants- auto kush


Are the plants in the photos in the same order as the ones above? Looks like one is improving and one is withering away(?)

the withering one is the one that was doing well and did not have dampening off. The one that appears to be doing better is the one with dampenig off.
Tbh i watered one and not the other. It appears the watered one didnt like that.

Ahh, I see. You live & you learn :weary:

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Side question @Stephen @Azuri @chris_barfield @SilverGrobo
Ever see this type of issue on any plant before? I know its not cannabis. But i cant seem to shake it.

Happens on full leaves like this and brand new baby buds dry up and die too


I’m having the same problem on my hydrangeas that are outside :thinking::thinking:

I took this plant outside 2 years ago for summer.
After bringing it in for winter we disxovered an infestation of gnats. I let 1000 lady bugs free in my house and they ate every bug in every plant for 2 weeks. No more bugs. But lingering problem. I thought it was cause i layered 2 inches of sand on top to smother the gnats. So its been repotted to an airpot with fresh dirt.
Also because its a troipical tree and i live in cold canada no one grows them here lol

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Yeah my wife just got these early spring, we’ve had them inside in the sun on chilly days and outside when we can but just seems to be spreading. Other flowers we got are okay but just them, leaves look a lot like what you have there. What kind of a tree is it? Fruit bearing?


Guava tree


That’s so cool lol


Traded one of my old colleagues who was a chef two chocolate trees (cacao) for a guava and papaya seedling. That was 6 to 7 years ago. Both are large now


Okay now that’s wicked lol. I know you’re a green thumb but I didn’t know the extent lol


I have 30 plus plants. Two lemon trees, two pineapple plants that have bore fruit. Papayas, guava, and many other odd species. A green house is a nice house


(Maybe You Can Ask In This Blog Space): :thinking:





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Sheesh … all them ladies … a pimp afterall :wink::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Another plant i cut and used the root fungus on was these two. They look relatively ok so im holding hope for the 2 transplants


Could have been frost on your hydrangeas @Russel_Richardson. Couple years back I had a hibiscus in my sunroom but forgot it in there on a cold night and it turned completely black and shrivelled. It was toast


So apparently when planting the one dirt seed to compare with the two grobo transplants i dropped 2 seeds in the dirt.
I very rudely yanked her out bare and all and shoved her in a small pot so i could pht in grobo. All the rest were too big of pots. Shes done well and ill transplant to the bigger pot shortly.


Transplanted this guy to one of the airpots with th4 grobo transfer in it. Root base died and plant couldn’t drink.
What i learned from all this.

Dont transplant either to a medium or from a medium

If anything.
Use the grobo and a small pot with a seed in it to get you started and open the plant up. The roots wrapped the bottom once, at this size, and when i put it in the whole plant wasn’t more than 1.5 inches root and all