First timer 😎😜



So from your top down pic, and the short flower time…I would take off your fan leaves. Stuff with a stem as @Todd.grobo put it is good. Once you do that, you may not need the hooks, but the leaves will continue to grow so spreading the taller stuff out will allow more light to the shorter middle. At this point, light to everything is what you’re searching for. Leave the smaller stuff that’s not blocking much light. She’s looking happy and healthy. If you can take a pic of the plant in the whole opening of the Grobo from the front, might be helpful.


This good?


Perfect! For me, and the way I like it to be at this point…I want light to be hitting the bottom. Your lower section is so dark because of all your fan leaves. At this point in flower, I want as few shadows from leaves as possible.


Awesome man. Thank you. I will do just that. Thanks for helping me out :+1:t2::sunglasses: means a lot.


What about these little guys? @FireGuy


@Gunk Wow she has really bushed up I am liking the growth I am seeing, you would be correct she in full flower mode, she might stretch a little more over the rest of the grow, but at least your plant isn’t outgrowing the unit :joy:
I would leave those lower branches alone they will still produce good size buds just not like the your main top colas I would imagine!


I don’t think they’ll make it to the light. Maybe :thinking: we’ll see next week. She’s doubling in size for sure. About an inch a week.

Oh yeah she is packing those nutrients in getting ready for flower!

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Or should I say full flower getting bigger pushing all her energy into those bud sites!

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Your plant is looking Good :+1:t2:


Thank you sir @FireGuy take a look at my plant I will tag you in it!

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Any of those smaller branches that are way below canopy…cut β€˜em. All they’ll do is produce popcorn and rob energy from the upper canopy buds.


To big but I feel like her buds will be awesome ton of resin already and some of the fan leaves I cut today got some sticky fingers and smells out of this world! orangey earthy smell really nice

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:+1:t2: Will do. I’m glad I was thinking that. Makes me feel smart :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: thank you I feel more confident. :sunglasses:


Yummy :drooling_face: can’t wait. Mine gives out a strong aroma as soon as the light goes out. Crazy.


Is it a grassy smell like fresh cut grass? If so mine does the same but not a skunky weedy smell, I googled it, says its the plant letting off the CO2 from the day when the lights switch off!

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No it dank but different from vegetation smell

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hopefully mine starts letting off that smell soon, does your plant smell through out the day?

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Yes. Sometimes more so. I think I smell it growing. Seriously.

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