I conciously made a bad decision to waste money and was coincidentally provided positive affirmation which is a toxic perspective and is the wool the gambling industry pulls over its consumers eyes in hopes when the itch begins to itch, the scratcher goes “well remember that one time”…
Another funny story, I’m a very science based man, finishing my masters in mechanical engineering in April. I left my fiance when I realized she was living her life based off the concepts like the Law of Attraction and Speaking into Existence and that positive affirmation are proof of such things being real. I don’t believe in magic and I wanted a wife who would teach my children to work for what they want, not wish for it to happen. It’s the general attitude of the world will do its will, so I don’t have to take responsibility for anything. I was poor my whole life, graduated high school homeless. She told me she was also poor growing up. I went frome homeless and worked my way into being a highly respected professional in my industry making six figures so I worked my ass of for success. Come to find later on she was from a very nice middle class neighborhood with both parents making six figures. She did the whole MLM, tarot, essential oils. Bye bye narcissist, hello the happiest I’ve ever been in my life haha. No offense to anyone who’s into that stuff, we just probably won’t hang out much lol. It tends to be paired with other personality traits and beliefs that are just not compatible with my own.
But yea, was a pretty awesome lucky coincidence, but honestly I should have paid a credit card bill haha.