First grow question/problem [RESOLVED]

Just check the water tank to my grobo and noticed a white film on top of the water. Any ideas of it is or what I should do. My seed just sprouted yesterday.


Is your airstone working?

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Yes it is. But very few bubbles

Ok follow the line up from inside, could be that your line is being restricted by the black hoses or pinched in someway

Thank you I will give it check when I’m home. Do you think I should do a drain and a fill. Also do you know a good way I can clean the inside tank to make sure it’s all clean and sanitized before i refill.

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Ok so if you’re plant is not too far along you can take it with the lid out to give you access. If that residue looks like it might cause an issue go ahead and do a drain and fill. As for cleaning not sure what the recommended solution is or I don’t remember regardless I just use a wash rag and elbow grease since it’s in the middle of a cycle. Personally I’ve done a extremely mild bleach and water mix to clean and disinfect after my grow is over and I give enough time to let it all dry.


I read your supposed to use 50/50 water to distelled white vinegar to eliminate any bacteria, fungus, spores, or viruses, hope that helps. If you try it please let me know the outcome because I haven’t gotten that far yet and I’m taking notes. Thanks in advance!


Thank you. Yea my seed just popped yesterday.

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Thank you I’m going to give that a try tonight

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theres an article on the support pages for “How-do-I-clean-my-Grobo-“

Won’t let me post the link but it’s a bunch of steps with drain+fill+scrub with 50/50 vinegar + water

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Thank you I’ll search for that


Hey so kind of a stupid question but should the bubbles come out of the whole air stone or just towards that back were the tube goes in.

No it’s usually a lot stronger than that and more towards the center

Dam guess mine is not working right. I only have a few bubbles coming out right next the hose and just finished cleaning with vinegar and water solution and still the same. Time for a support ticket sucks I wont get an answer till Monday.

And there’s no kink or bend in the air line?

I actually figured it out had to take out the air stone pull off the hose the poce that comes out the air stone was completely sealed I cut it open I’m good to go now. Jus a defective stoned.

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So good? All set strong bubbles?!

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Yup all good lots of bubbles.


Awesome sauce have a great weekend