@Stephen In the Ultimate Grow Guide video, you spoke of tweaking the Shishkaberry recipe to maximize the remaining space at the top of the cabinet At what plant stage would you have extended the grow?
I would be extending the Late Vegetation cycle to attain more height for your plant prior to transition into flower. In the case of the Grobo it would be to reach the second fan prior to transition to flower.
I’m curious to see what @Stephen has for an answer. I could be right out to lunch.
I’ve seen him say it before. Realistically you’d want the plant around the second fan before transition. But I guess depending on the strain you’re growing
Some strains stretch for ever and you quickly run out of space in the grobo.
Great question @coffindancer,
@Stephane is right on the money, you want to extend the last vegetative growth stage. Once you enter transition, you will begin the stretch. It helps if you’ve grown the strain before in a Grobo to be able to judge when the flip is best. For the Shishkaberry, I would have extended stage 3 by 7 days.
I’ve got 4 days left on late veg and not at the second fan so I will be extending with beta program @Stephen should I extend on last day of late veg or can I do it a day or two early?
Hey @LtcTerps,
You can extend a stage at any time, don’t have to wait to the last day.