Do you mean a picture of my MQ-500?
I got it thanks found it on amazon
Sorry I didn’t know 100% what you meant
I know it’s late but If it helps mine came from here
Very knowledgable place. They know there stuff on lighting
That’s the same one I got thanks
really appreciate you on how fast he move out for every concern I had
Well I just wanted to thank u an @Vicc @Todd.grobo @Bplatinum9 for helping me along this tent
journey took me a while to figure out everything I wanted but talking to use an a few others made it real easy to put this together thank use again
Anytime Good luck
As a side note from a soil grower still learning all the ropes. I use solo cups with holes drilled in the bottom side of cup so when I water i can account for the runoff. Rule of thumb with watering is u want 20% runoff. When I transplant I use Great White Mycorrhizae and fabric pots. To each their own. This is what has worked for me along the way. Also when I water I end up with final pH of 6.3. When I first started I was pHing water out on higher end of spectrum and soil pH got all out of whack and plants locked out on me and flushing soil out with pH imbalance is a b**ch.
I’m about to move the ones in cups to smaller pots I have the fabric pots u speaking of what is great white mycorrhizae? I didn’t start feeding them nutes yet only ph balanced water an I started them off at 5.8 u recommend something higher than that
Soil you need to be 6.0 to 7.0 range
Coco 5.5 to 6.5
For ph
Great white helps when u transplant from one pot to the next. As for nutrient lines, there are so many one out there. I personally use house and garden line of nutrients. There is a learning curve with each nutrient line as far as dosing nutrients letting them bond. Take for example. I ph water before any nutrients are added to 6.3-6.4. Then add soil A,give 10 minutes to bond and then add soil b and give 10 minutes to bond. Then I pH water again to final ph of 6.2-6.3 then adding remaining nutrients with are stimulants to water. . I don’t know about any of the other nutrient line but House and Garden has app u download put in how much water u are using and it tells u how much of each product to use. Hope this helps out.
House and Garden is a good nute line up for sure.
Doug question why are you adjusting your ph before adding nutes. Why not just adjust last?
Do you have any plans to run flora flex lines?
That’s why i use Air pots for Dirt growing, havent had an issue with over watering the plant yet. Roots are super healthy.
Happy to help @Choppo0816
20 plus grows myself and still learning tons. Love that everyone wants to share.
It is just much easier to get pH dialed in. It takes more ph up and down if I wait till end. Once nutrients have been added I dilute ph up and down before adding it. If u put it in concentrated after nutrients u can watch it separate. I watched a grow video on this and found it to be true. I believe that is what caused my ph to get so out of wack before along with meter not reading correctly. Since I have done it this way I haven’t had any issues. Ph has been consistent with ph soil pen and runoff from watering.
thanks for the info
That’s how I did my outdoor grow added nutes then ph it
No I was doing all of fox farms stuff as of now
Wasnt talking about nutrients.
You must not have started at the begining of my topic ?(Everything Flora Flex). They have feed lines so you can run a reservoir instead of manually feeding.
Oh ok right here we’re we are speaking on now so I can go back an look