Drooping leaves

Solid group of questions, bookmarking that to share with others if you don’t mind.

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Great that you had that info ready :slight_smile:

Checking pH would help to rule out probe calibration. It does seem to have used a bit of pH down already; it might also help to start marking the levels on bottles before each drain/fill to get an idea of how much it uses over the course of the week.


Good idea I’ll definitely mark on the next d&f.
Just ordered a PH meter from Amazon, should get here Saturday. If the PH appears off, that would be an indicator that I need to recalibrate my meters, correct?

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Yes, hopefully support will respond tomorrow and get you an answer. You may also want to add a pH calibration kit from BlueLabs to your amazon order also.

Bluelab CAREKITPH pH Probe Care Kit with Calibration Solution, Storage Solution, and Brush


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That’s correct, if the pH isn’t somewhere around 6.0 (+/- 0.5) it’s probably in need of calibration.

I’ve wondered if (and how well) they might be calibrated from factory, we assume they are but you can never really be certain of that without checking.


Quick update. Grobo support said they raised my pH level a week ago. I have since received my pH meter and the water is 5.8

I’m really not sure what to make of it. Although the plant seems to be growing each day, the brown spots slowly start to consume the new leaves. I drained and filled on Wednesday and was sure to mark where the nutes were at. It seems like it has been using a bit of each bottle.

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Should I clip the leaves that are completely covered?

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Tough call on this one, the leaves clearly aren’t doing anything good for your plant however I don’t know how it will take the added stress as she is already under a good amount. Have you checked out this tutorial on diagnosing and fixing common issues?


Thanks for that resource. From looking through that I think it is safe to say that it is a calcium deficiency. Luckily I ordered some calmag a few days ago that should be arriving soon, hopefully that will do the trick.

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Update, day 50


Here’s a pic from above. Still a some minor spots on the leaves but much better than what was going on initially

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why does water and room temp matter, im having this same issue rn

I just recently finished my grow, and when I was taking the plant out of the grobo I noticed my issue. A huge root had grown right through one of the sensors causing it to have misreads throughout the grow. If you’re having the same problem I would carefully open up your reservoir and inspect the sensors to make sure they’re ok.


My roots are not that big yet

LOL no one told you to buy it bro. Even with a fucked up sensor and spots on my plant, my first grow turned out amazing. I got 40 grams dried of some dank blue dream on my first try and expect to get more on next grow now that I got the sensor issue sorted out. Its definitely a large down payment for a small cabinet, but the discreetness and “set it and forget it” aspect were what appealed to me. In fact, my first grow went so well I am honestly considering buying a second one. Trust me when I say this product is not a rip off, all of my friends are jealous after seeing the end result.


What’s so funny, No one told me to buy it ur right, but I was expecting to get what was advertised what is wiring with people today they get false advertised stuff and they defend it and say well you didn’t have to buy it, yeah no duh bro, but when u advertised it this way and made it seem so great just to end up getting it and seeing it’s not at all what they said it’s very aggravating, you find this ok and right that he falsely advertised you something for 2100 dollars then you had to go out ur way to buy all modifications and all this extra crap and you gotta keep ur house a certain temp cus the machine isn’t actually contained like he said it was and there’s lights coming through it and it’s super loud you find all this ok cus you were able to get it to work and you only got 40 grams, dude open ur eyes that’s not right he scammed tf outta us it SHOULDN’T COST this much then

I agree 40 grams is nothing to brag about but where I live weed is expensive. At 40 grams a grow the grobo will pay for itself in under 2 years time and I expect it to pay for itself even sooner as I get better at growing. So far I am happy with my investment, I’m sorry you feel you’re not getting your money’s worth.

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Dude in 2 years ur machine is gonna break, I hear after like two grows people started having many issues, look on this forum bro, if u think In 2 years time ur money is gonna get made back I got bad news for u man I’m returning mine actually, ima see if this plant makes it if does great but it’s still going back and if it doesn’t even better I can get my cash back sooner

Maybe you’re right but hopefully not. I’ll let you know how the next grow goes.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Spots and not looking so healthy?