Do Si Dos in Grobo 2 started finally

I was on edibles :rofl: it does take longer. Thanks I might do the clone never thought of that. :+1:


If needed here a nice video


LMAO edibles had you zonked how many MG do you take at a time?

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I can not wait for pot shops to open up here in VA in the coming years to get some good edibles and see what the hype is about! Never had a edible other than delta 8 and I got so high off them I was legit tripping lmao!
And that was only 2 25 MG gummies lol I did not like the experience it was WAY to much might only take 10-15 MG the first delta 9 THC edible I have, I know to start extra slow now haha


All depends on ur tolerance for me don’t matter what edibles I eat always the same result really don’t do much so I always have to fire :fire: up :arrow_up: a stick :smoking: right after :+1:t2::dash::seedling:

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haha, my tolerance is low as it can be not or have ever been a hard core smoker shit a ounce will last me over 2 months since I only smoke 3-4 times a week on average most likely it last me longer I would say some people go through ounces every few days to a week I could never


Lmao :joy: indeed my gd bro :sunglasses: I am one :point_up:t4: of those people I might go thru an oz in 2to3 days tops :top: I smoke :dash: maybe :thinking: 6 to 7 blunts a day :+1:t2::dash::seedling:


An cartridges don’t even bring them my way to me that’s a waste of smoking :smoking: an damaging ur lungs 🫁 for something that ain’t going to give u the best high out of that specific plant :seedling: IMO just doesn’t work for me :+1:t2::dash::seedling:


6 to 7 4 gram blunts or more at that :joy: :joy:

go to sleep high and wake up high, do you have chronic pain at all?

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I just read you bio I am sorry to hear about your leg issues

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The reason I like it so much is because it makes my mind slow down and takes away my anxiety and depression I deal with so it is a nice escape for me here and there.


Yes :+1:t2: I do I fell off of a three story building :department_store: broke both my legs :leg: my arm I split my head with the concrete had 13 staples up there :point_up_2: almost hit a fire hydrant was flown in a helicopter :helicopter: to one :point_up:t4: of the best hospitals :hospital: we’re I’m from oh yea I was in a wheelchair :motorized_wheelchair: for 2 yrs :+1:t2::dash::seedling:


I respect :fist: that we’re all here for different reasons but we are all here an u don’t have to be sorry that was parts of the journey god had for me I’m still here living doing what I love :heart: so at the end of the day I still won :1st_place_medal: thanks :pray:t3: for ur concern tho really appreciate that :+1:t2::dash::seedling:


Yes sir life can really F you but you have to get up and F it harder no matter how hard it is, the lord has us here for a reason, I am glad you have recovered and are pretty much back to normal from what you have described the good lord blessed you and took care of you well!


He sure did thx :pray:t3: a bunch :+1:t2::dash::seedling:


Yes sir take care I will look forward to speaking with you in the future!

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What I do is, you learn to switch up. Take short tolerance breaks, switch out to alcohol a few days maybe a week if you can do that, change up between flower, carts, edibles, oil/butter as they all have different effects, try microdosing as it can work depending and dont let it build it up.

Edibles do not do a lot depending on many things. The best way to do them for me is, first thing in the morning before eating or right after work when your tried, have not eaten. I can zone out for hours on edibles or oil.

Flower here is $450 a ounce for top grade, so your not going to be smoking a couple ounces a week and going to be taking tolerance breaks and looking to change things up. :grinning:


The love in this community makes my heart fill. :heart:


Indeed my gd man always said it u have really great :+1:t2: people here u have ur select few that come on here a try an throw salt :salt: on the parade but overall this is a great :blush: community :+1:t2::dash::seedling:


And they say this is a Bad plant. It heals medically and it helps Us mentally to grow as Humans.

Nothing has taught my impatient azz patience like this plant has. I have learned to deal with disappointment and how to care for something that is unpredictable. When the world is going crazy, these plants 🪴 still motivate you to jump out of bed and do Great things.

The anticipation I often have is like kids at Christmas :christmas_tree:. The experience is actually priceless. And we get High as an added bonus!