Day26 mites?

First grow. I’m 26 days into my 12 x 12 switch. Leaves look like they have discolored white greenish brown spots. I’m thinking spider mites but not sure. Cant upload pics because I’m new. Also I’m growing FF soil and nutes

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Sorry to hear about your bug problem. For my house plants I use Doktor Doom. It’s a Spider Mite Knock Out insecticide plant spray. The can states “May be used on food crops to within one day of harvest”

Either way. You can create a solution at home. Water with a part of rubbing alcohol and a drop of dawn dish soap. Spray your plant every where and over/under. Wipe the bugs away and repeat for a couple days to ensure the bugs stay away.

Good luck

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((# Pests )):

Have you checked for any signs of pests on your plant?.. Under the leaves and down the stems is a good hiding spot for them:


introducing beneficial bugs into the garden that will not only organically, but also naturally, control the pest population.

Lacewings: Also known as nature’s “aphid lions,” these tiny insects are avid aphid lovers. One lacewing can consume hundreds of aphids in a day. They also feast on spider mites and their offspring.

Ladybugs: These are a cannabis plant’s BFF. Not only are adult ladybugs starved for aphids, ladybug larvae will eat more pests than adults do.

Preying mantises: As true carnivores, they will only eat what they capture themselves and, as a bonus, their young are voracious eaters. They eat aphids, but they also consume everything else, including their mates.



((#Ticket)): :ticket::tickets:


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Thanks all. I didn’t see any pest under the leaves so I will keep checking and troubleshooting

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I personally wouldn’t spray anything on my medicine

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I think that I may not have mites not but if so then I’m just letting it roll as is. I believe since it’s my first that I wasnt used to the fan leaves changing color before they fell off. IDK but either way I’m too invested to spay stuff on the fruit now.

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You can always refer to these if you think you have a pest problem. P.s. Fan leaves do change color in the plants later stage, leaves start to die out after the plant has used up everything in them.


perfect thanks