Connected to the Grobo- No LED lights - [Resolved]

Funny you should say this. I put tape on mine first grow then stood in a completely dark room opened the door and still could see the blue pulsing inside the grobo, light sneaks through various places and took the lid off and found the acrylic light was several inches long so my black tape on the little square you see at the front of the unit does not stop the pulsing inside worked fine for outside of the grobo. :joy:

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Oh one last thing no indicator light “may” cause you troubleshooting issues if you (or anyone) are having issues connecting to your home Wifi, be confident your network is good and the connection then you can forget about it.

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I went ahead and attached a note to my open helpdesk ticket requesting that if it’s not impacting production I’d rather it stay off and do disregard my support request

I’m confident in my network skills :joy::+1:


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Oh I thought you meant the actual grow light

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Good stuff I don’t want to direct you one way or another just making it clear I’m good with no indicator light.

Haha I can go on and on…once I removed the little connector from the connection point I found the origin of the pulsing light is actually on the circuit board and it’s just a fibre optic that brings the light to the front of the square in the grobo.

Try this @James

Look through the cooling metal mesh in a darkened room at the back top of the grobo, even though your little light at the front of the grobo is not working if you look through that mesh you will see it pulsing peaking through there directly off the circuit board. (I think you can see it without taking the wood off)


You guys rock! I really didn’t want to bother the grobo team with a helpdesk ticket. It being the weekend and all. :man_shrugging::man_facepalming:

No worries @Azuri this is not on you and “I appreciate you sharing your experience”

Unrelated - and they say bees are on the decline…


Save the bees we need them

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I think they’re hornets. Either way, they stay away from me and I don’t bother them :+1: a mutual understanding

I see no flashing light of any kind looking through the back, but I have pretty clear visiblity of the board.

Best pics I could get. Does it connect on a side wards angle?

Update - lights are off due to schedule 20/4 and still no blinking light in the back

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It looks disconnected to me :joy:


You won’t see it now the grow light overpowers it. The light is the size of a peppercorn on the circuit board.

Edit: look when your light recipe is off, I forgot to mention that.

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Hard to tell but that looks like the connector. Same colour anyways

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I have marked my helpdesk ticket as closed marking it as solved. To me, the LED feature is mostly useless so I’m not concerned that it isn’t working.

Thank you to everyone who chimed in. Having the AG community to engage when issues, concerns, general help is needed is one of the reasons I purchased a Grobo. Your assistance is/was greatly appreciated




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Hey, how do you take off the wood top?

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(#GroboFixMe): :hammer_and_wrench:




Thank you!


I am having the same problem. So, if the light is blinking rapidly with a blue light, it’s not a concern? @Azuri


(GroboLight): (This is [Normal Blinking Light] that is a sign it is connected to the Internet): (A Faster Blinking Light is a sign that it is trying to connect to the internet): ([Yes] this is a concern): :warning::blue_square:



(Good call on the Ticket): (SoSorryToReadAboutYourLoss): (The Faster They Can Figure This Out The Better):

((#PagingDrStephenAndBJorn)): @stephen @bjorn :sos:

@Stephen = :mage::mask::stethoscope::wink:

@bjorn = :computer::computer_mouse:



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Yes, I’m waking up to a rapidly blue blinking light every morning. I’ve gotten a ticket in so hopefully they can help me out. Wasted two seeds so fingers crossed

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