Canuk seeds

Well then I know one company that will never get my business :man_facepalming:t5:

Everyone here has favorites based on best quality and yields and experience and it’s nice to see all the varied successes


What are some other options? I live in Canada

I order through truenorth and have other brands to use but I usually buy in 2 to 5 quantity just to test between the 2 units which has the best results. Two examples are better than 1. And I’m also in Canada incase it wasnt obvious.

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Ok thank you Todd. Ya I saw Calgary born and raised hopefully not a flames fan after watching them come back on my flyers! Have a good night Cheers

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The Dank bank canada is very well stocked


Thanks wolf

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I have a lot of points collected through truenorth which hou can use towards purchases. I live loyalty programs.


@Todd.grobo, I recently went to make an order and noticed that the points expire after 6 months - FYI (ymmv).

I’ve found Canuk seeds to germinate quite well, have only seen 2 failures of about 15 (recent) seeds and they were my fault (similarly lost some seedlings from other breeders that time too).

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I can concur @vegetato but you gotta find what works for you best-



Really need those bubbles to make it through: :scream:


((#SorryForYourLoss)): :sob:


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