Well then I know one company that will never get my business
Everyone here has favorites based on best quality and yields and experience and it’s nice to see all the varied successes
What are some other options? I live in Canada
I order through truenorth and have other brands to use but I usually buy in 2 to 5 quantity just to test between the 2 units which has the best results. Two examples are better than 1. And I’m also in Canada incase it wasnt obvious.
Ok thank you Todd. Ya I saw Calgary born and raised hopefully not a flames fan after watching them come back on my flyers! Have a good night Cheers
The Dank bank canada is very well stocked
Thanks wolf
I have a lot of points collected through truenorth which hou can use towards purchases. I live loyalty programs.
@Todd.grobo, I recently went to make an order and noticed that the points expire after 6 months - FYI (ymmv).
I’ve found Canuk seeds to germinate quite well, have only seen 2 failures of about 15 (recent) seeds and they were my fault (similarly lost some seedlings from other breeders that time too).