Can anyone tell me what’s going on?

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Push your pod up flush flat to the surface


How do you know that? Does it say that in the instructions? How will the coco pod get water then? Wouldn’t it just get dry?

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Make it flush to the lid the pod is getting extra wet the way it is

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Yes it does.

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The first time you fill your Grobo when starting a recipe the water is filled to the top float sensor. This is high enough where the water bubbles from the air stone will keep the coco pod wet. After the first drain and fill the water level drops so the coco pod isn’t getting saturated. During germination the Grobo keeps the coco pod wetter than normal to help facilitate germination. If the coco pod is too low it will continue to get saturated which will result in damping down, which is not a good thing.

Having a coco pod that is too low will keep it saturated which also will probably result in fungus gnats, which will lay eggs that will hatch larvae that will cause damage to your plants roots.


I’ll push the pad up I think the roots have grown out enough anyway any other ideas what it could be? Nutrient deficiency? I looked some up but not not sure what it could be

Thanks guys

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That was the point :grinning:


You still don’t want your coco pod sitting so close to the water. If it stays saturated you’ll end up damping down, and you’ll prob have to start over with a new seed.

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Well I pushed the pod up at some point the tips of those two leaves that were affected, dried off.
And well it’s looking good now. Thanks guys! :love_you_gesture:t4: