HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Bruce is growing beautifully! He’s still on the cold side in there, but he is slowly doing his thing. We had a power outage yesterday during a storm and the heater was off all night because I forgot to turn it back on when the power was restored. Sorry, Bruce!
He shot up past the second fan and has pistils growing up all of his stalks and branches. Today was water change day plus the 15 ml of Hydroguard. I only removed the leaves that were browning or dried out from being too close to the heater. I peeked at the roots and they looked good. Only bottles 3, 4, and 5 have moved since the last weekly water change. I am still trying to learn how to use the microscope camera…I cannot stabilize myself enough to get a clear shot, but I will keep playing with it to view the trichomes. Bruce seems happy!
Long time for an auto, especially because switching schedule shouldn’t be effecting an auto!
@Bplatinum9 I wonder if he’s so slow because of my temp control issues since day one? He’s always on the cold side since he’s in my garage. The heater helps, but it’s not where it should be. I am following his lead and all the advice from experienced folks like you! And, I am using the Bruce Banner recipe and not the generic auto one because I didn’t know about the generic auto one when I started this back in November. I just stuck with a Bruce Banner recipe that I found and never switched over. I extended the late vegetation by a week, and I also extended the transition by a week based on advice from this forum. I’m hoping this won’t be the case when I try to grow during our normal spring and summer months when it’s gorgeous here and temperature shouldn’t be a problem in my garage.
But are you using the Bruce banner auto recipe?
So looked upyour recipe and this may be your trouble!
Bruce banner is hybrid or sativa under recipes!
So if you have an auto you should be using a generic auto recipe!
So switch to generic auto and then shift schedule to where you want to be!
@Bplatinum9, how do I switch recipes? The Bruce Banner recipe is not an auto one. It is what I used in November when I started this grow. I did not know about the differences between the types of seeds until I started reading this forum. So, it is okay to switch recipes now? How do I do that? Where should I be in the new recipe?
Two ways that I know of…
1). End grow, and start a new one with the right recipe, move shift schedule to where you left off or where you want it, without removing the plant.
2). Submit a support ticket and they can double check recipe and switch for you.
Its pretty easy either way!
Good evening, @Bplatinum9! So, I ended the previous grow of the Bruce Banner recipe on day 80 (14/43 flower), which includes a 7 day extension of late veg and 7 day extension of transition.
I started the generic auto recipe, which shows day 1 and put Bruce in the first day of flowering of the new recipe.
So, now I just follow Bruce’s lead! This is the pic of him tonight from my Blink camera inside the Grobo.
Thank you for the guidance!
Is this the one you chose because your pic looks like just a generic hybrid without the auto! It has to have the blue A, and your pic should show as a generic hybrid (Auto)
It is an Auto right?
Please double check!
Good evening, @Bplatinum9! Yes! That is the one I chose.
And this is what my main page looks like on my Grobo app.
Not sure why it does not show the little “A” for auto, but it is the generic auto recipe.
Bruce seems to grow more each day! I’m looking forward to seeing his progress on Sunday during the water change.
Great news! I can’t wait to see her flourish!!!
Fun fact: I’m always being called a man because my name is Bobbie and I see Bruce and I have that in common.
You called her a he, and feminized seeds are female,
I dont think you would like it if it was a male because he would produce seeds instead of buds!
@Bplatinum9 ahhh, but I love my Hulk (a definite man) and my seed is named Bruce Banner, so he is a he to me!
Ok so the rule is if he sprouts seeds you can’t get mad!
I checked on Bruce today. Day 83 total but day 3 on auto recipe in 23 day long flower phase. I put a tape measure in there to see how much he grows. He has pistils all up and down the branches and stalks, so hopefully they will all flower nicely into good buds!