Bruce Banner ILGM First Grow

Thank you will do, so it’s to late to trim her a bit more, or i have to wait until day 21?

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I would wait, it is in a “stretch” phase when it first enters transition so trimming during that time is not recommended. Day 21 is when the plant stops regrowing new foliage and focuses on bud development. I rarely trim after day 21 of flower.


Hey so she’s stretching too much is she good or am I going to have to do something today is day 20 of flower


Search “supercropping”



- - - [2021-06.09]:

Jun 9, 2:11 AM



  • (Definitely Try To Get The Branches Away From The Light [:bulb:]): {#NowIsTheTime :clock2:}:






- - - [2021-06.16]:



  • (#TeamHasGotYouCovered): {:green_thumb:}:





- - - [2021-06.21]:



  • (#YourGrowYourCall):

  • (#YouAreDoingAGreatJob): {:green_thumb:}:

  • (This Will Help You To Decide):


- - - [2021-07.01]:






  • (A Lot Of The Times The Buds Below Become [PopCorn] :popcorn: Buds, -And- They Take Longer To Develop Prolonging Harvest, -Or- Causing The Dilemma Of Partial Harvesting Crop):


- - - [2021-11.17]:






~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Trimmed her up a bit, yah think she’s good… any suggestions day 22 of flower


U can search the super crop like @Wake said but if ur at day 20 u have one :point_up:t4: more day for it to stretch then all the focus will be on ur buds Getting fatter so IMO ur gd :+1:t2::dash::seedling:

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Soo I tried to super crop because the back stem was to big for the box and this what happened


What are the black fans called I keep seeing, and do you leave them on 24/7?


Yes, you can leave them on all the time. These seem to be more important if you have the standard coco pods, they keep air circulating and if your pod is ever wet they will help dry it out. (Since I switched to the Start system Ii don’t have as many issues with wet pods, but I still use them for better circulation, esp in summer.)


Is too late to cut this fella off, day 13 flower including transition ( 27 )

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If you want it gone, do it now! You’re at the point where you don’t want to trim anymore.


She finally recovered from the supercrop but for some reason she’s still growin 18/56 days of flower, Should I be cutting fan leaves or just let her grow

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What should I do I feel like the plant inst getting enough light , should I trim her up a bit she’s day 25/56 of flower?

Remove any fan leaves blocking light but try to keep at least two per stalk and invest in some grobo supports so you dont have to wait for recovery when supercropping!


Thank you will do

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Hey guys I was wondering if I should cut all the new growth in the bottom

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I would. It won’t amount to much. Leaving it, the plant will direct its energy to these tiny sites instead of focusing on the main colas. It is best to keep the bottom clean and let the plant focus on building the buds up top.