Hello, day 6 of my first grow and she’s looking a little droopy? New at this and would like some tips/help?
Hello, day 6 of my first grow and she’s looking a little droopy? New at this and would like some tips/help?
She looks good!
Your first leaves set of leaves always curl under they are called the Embryonic Cotyeledons that emerge from the seed first, and have an oval shape that is smooth.
No tips needed here just keep asking questions and showing us your grow so that we can talk you through any issues you may encounter.
Okay great thank you! I will be posting a lot in the coming weeks and keep you guys updated
She looks healthy … let her grow
On day 7 and she looks to be growing! She looks taller and also noticed more leaves forming! Also found a root! So excited!
Nice job!
((#PHprobe)): ((#PHsensor)):
(You have a PH Imbalance): (SorryThisHappenedToYou):
Vegetation Day 1! First drain was also a success. Do seem to be having to reconnect my Grobo often, maybe poor signal? Sometimes it won’t conntect
Looks awesome, roots look great as well!
Day 13, Early Vegetation day 3
Should I be concerned by these yellow spots?
Also see some kind of green funk growing on the coco pod? Don’t know if you can see it
Roots and new growth look solid
I’d say your fine for now just keep an eye on it.
Most coco pods have natural bacterial growth, yours looks fine.
Some develop a dark green algae growth when pod is too wet although not harmful it can be wiped off.
If you pod develops a cloudy white mold like in the pic below it needs to be taken care of by wiping it out with vinegar & distilled water, before it gets to your leaves.
There is a natural white coating we see on our pods regularly that gets confused with bold but its not a cloudy substance and occurs when the top of pod starts to dry out as it should.
Hope this helps…
If you notice the Brown spotting spreading on your leaves please submit a ticket to have your PH checked and let the allgrowers know so we can help you keep an eye on it.
Okay so I noticed that the brown spots started to spread in the areas I circled.
I submitted a ticket Stephen advised me that it was due to lack of calcium and that my ph range had been raised.
He advised that I should remove them but what exactly do I remove sorry total noob here!
Some pics here maybe you can help point out where to cut/remove? Going to order some pruning shears.
I would start with the upper right and lower left leaves first but there is no rush, the ph change should start to correct the ph for new growth but the old ones wont heal so they can be eliminated is what he explained.
Like he said the new growth looks good.
Day 16 early veg day 6
Brown/yellow spots are spreading going to trim them off.
I cut all the way to the base correct?
Also noticed that my roots r turning brown or tinting brown?
The roots look very healthy, check for slime where you see the brown starting and if it doesn’t feel slimy then its usually from nutrient bottle #5.
You did a great job cutting! Now for the hard part, letting her recover…
No slime! So that’s good!
Looks as if I need to cut the bottom right and top left now as their are brown spots. Okay to do so? Or what for more recovery time?
I would just leave her. She’ll recover!
Those two leaves will never recover but if you want to wait until she gets bigger than there is no harm in waiting.