Noticed some brown spotting on early veg stage (Day 4). I’m sure this isn’t unique. Could use some advice. Thanks in advance
Is this your first grow? If not, have you calibrated your pH probe?
First grow. Had a couple of false starts with seeds before this.
I’m sorry about your false starts!! Hoping for this one!!!
Have you ever worked with support before, maybe on your false starts?
With your Grobo purchase you get free support from a very good horticulturist!
If you have’t yet, I’d suggest submitting a support ticket ( to them ASAP, be sure to include pictures and any special setup about your environment.
They can check further details about the machine and give advice from there.
In the mean time, hopefully a champion will see this and also provide feedback!
Good luck!!
She lives
(Congratulations): (
(If she doesn’t show any more signs after these leaves you are in the clear): (If the burns continue on the next set of leaves I would recommend doing a Calibration on your Probe):
((#PHprobe)): ((#PHsensor)):
(Do what you like with this grow and have it as your base grow for the next grows): (Every grow can be a little different, play around with them and find your favorite way of growing):
(ForToppingLollippoppingPlusVideos): (ClickHere):
[How To] Grow Cannabis the Easy Way in 2021 - YouTube
How to Maximize Yields training Cannabis: Topping, Supercropping, LST, and Micro-topping - YouTube
(ForToppingLollippoppingPlusVideos): (
(GrowJournal): (ClickHere):
Grow Journal - 'Cheese (Hybrid)'
Perseverance pays off, good work
Yes she could use some pretty significant defoliating. You may want to give her some time to recover before flipping to transition. @Russel_Richardson @vegetato could better advise.
Yeah I would trim some off. Start from the very bottom and work your way up a bit. The bottom stuff will get lost in the stretch
Thanks all! I trimmed it up a tiny bit and did some super cropping:
Also, I’ve already extended the late veg a week. Thinking about another. How much will she stretch during the transition stage (it’s scheduled to start tomorrow). Thanks in advance!
All depends on the cultivar to be honest. I’d look up the info on her and see what it says. It’ll say short medium or tall typically. But yeah I’d probably extend for another week
If you just super cropped it may be wise to let her recover before going into transition.
How many branches did you super crop?
super cropped 2 brannches. I did extend the veg. Will upload some new pics when I get back to my girl
Healthy she’s a bushy one, what have you done as far as defoliating and what are your plans going into flower?
Here’s her bottom. I’ve already cleaned it up pretty well. Topping and super cropping worked. Going to lollipop. Not sure when the best timing is. Thoughts?
Great plan, you can probably get started immediately as she is super bushy. Check out this tutorial and use your best judgment: