Hi guys, first grow here. I’m day 7 of 10 in the germ phase & she’s starting to lean. Is she ok or am I just being nervous?
Awfully tall too with little support.
Thanks for the help
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Have you purchased any supports? It would be a good time to use them.
Are you using a sativa strain?
Not sure what the protocol for this is but keep a close eye on her and give her some type of support system, keep posting along the way so we can help access the stability of your plant and try not to worry or fuss with her too much, let’s see what she’s up to first!
For the time being take a straw, cut it to size and then cut it length wise to open it up and you can put it around the stem for support
Good Idea! I wonder if it’s too cold in my house?
68° when I come out in the morning…I also had the Grobo magnet wires thingy. It helped give it support.
I’ll keep that straw idea in my back pocket though
Thanks for the help
I do have Grobo support stacks & I used one & it helped the “leaning”
I wonder if it’s too cold in my house? It’s been about 68° when I come out in the morning.
And the strain is “Liberty Haze” by Barney’s Farm’s
Thanks for your help
I keep my thermostat on 68* also! You should be good!
It might even be a tad warmer in the box with the light on for 20 hours. Could just be the strain, but just keep an eye out . Just to make sure you didn’t select an auto recipe did you?
No auto recipe. It was in the recipes “Liberty Haze”
Hi guys, I’m on day 18 & have noticed her leaves kinda wilting, growing very slowly for it being 18days in & have now started to notice a little brown creeping in on my only leaves. What does it mean. Do I write Stephen & start a ticket?
I’m sad
Hey @Pabber123,
Yes please, a ticket would help me help you faster! Email support@grobo.io