Anubis by pyramid

So I sent a ticket last night and got a response about the notifications. “Your notifications stopping is a known bug the developers will be addressing shortly. Just keep draining/filling each week, with a top up in the middle.”
So we are not alone.


Looking good.


It’s funny how different every plant is. Trim 1 leaf here and bend there.


How or where do you thin out your canopy like this. It’s just sprawled right out.


How do you mean?

There are about 6 colas opening on/ under the light. I’ve started to stick some to the wall and chopped off about 30 leaves as some were wet.

I always say if they aren’t atleast half the plant height I chop them cuz they won’t be able to compete


Any ideas on why these leaves are dying the way they are?

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So sorry! Hopefully its not bud rot. Hard to tell from that picture.
Is it all over or closer to the light? Did your plant get wet or have you sprayed it with anything? Any wounds to the plant? Do you have an internal fan going? Humidity/humidifier?

Anyone experience this with cal defeciency?


No damage to anything
Just those top leaves are soft and starting to die and there were quite a few. I’ve been in yvr on business and my wife did say the room felt humid the first night so she turned the fan on and opened the door for the rest of the week.

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Have you checked and stabilized all temps? Remove brown leaves without touching the rest of the plant and anchor the bud away from light, making sure you have good air flow and no dew in the unit.
This may be a question for Stephen.


Yes to all 3xcept the brown leaves some are top leaves from when it burnt or dried out. Its 43 humidity and will come down more

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I would check for nutrient burn and watch for it spreading at this point and wait to see if anyone else ever experienced this before. Keep me posted!

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I unplugged nutrients at beginning of flush

Your in flush? I thought you were in late veg. Isn’t it normal for the leaves to die out at this point? Is your bud just burnt?

It’s too close to the light, so burn! Also the plant is taking nutrients built up in the leaves. They are dying anyway, you’re in flush :+1::v:


That particular plant is 14 of 17 flush. Tricomes aren’t enough amber

I’m not understanding your point :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

Ok @Osage was right. Bud rot on plant 2.
So real talk. I was away for 3 days and prior to leaving everything was normal. In 3 days the growth was so substantial in both units because of how I had them growing they were getting lots of light and fresh water. Canopys filled in the newer unit and on the flush plant all the broad leaves overlapped. Ended up with 45% humid unit for maybe a day or two. Please see the substantial cuttings from both plants. The mold is visible inside the cone. I took it to the 2nd green bud site. Lost a good 10g chunk imo. Are my plants too big for the unit? Yes, for the amount of attention I’ve paid to them. With a different wiring setup maybe not in the future


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