Welp I had a lot of ups and downs on this journey of my 1st grow. But here’s the results guys. Buds are small, but theirs alot. So I think it’s coo with me. This plant grew entirely too big for the grobo. But with the help of @SWSVIC. I was able salvage this plant and get it 2 the finish line.
I’d be chuffed to hell if that was my first grow
Nice 1
Great job!!!
@Gmann another word I’m gonna have to figure out (chuffed) I take it means excited!
Lol Happy" !
Damn what did you feed it lol looks good
I only used what grobo offers. I nearly killed it while I was out of town. My lights malfunctioned while being away. When I came bk it wasn’t in the greatest shape. Once I got it bk on schedule it bounced bk. This seed was just an all out beast of a plant. It took awhile 4 it to stop growing tall. It suffered some burns from the lights. So the grobo community suggested I supercrop it. I did tht. I over snapped the branch twice trying to supercrop it. The plant healed itself within a day. I have 1 more seed left. I hope it takes. I want to see if it’s just the plant maybe having sum hulk gamma rays, or was it many of the mistakes tht I made, tht may have turned to be a good thing.
That’s crazy sh@t you stressed it by accident and went hulk on you can’t go wrong with that
I know right. Just a few more days. And ima weigh it up. I’m excited.
Congrats on your first harvest, looks like a hefty yield!
Looks like the apex cola was a monster! Congrats on the harvest!
I am also smoking some stawnana at the moment, wonderful flavor, excellent choice!
((#Harvesting)): (#Congratulations):
- - -
(Congratulations): (
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Dry weight ended up being 10 grams and 3 ounces. The thc% is supposed to be anywhere from 26 up to 34% if I recall correctly. And it feels like it’s on the higher end of tht… It’s a head banger. I like smoking it , while at wrk, on my breaks. Like I’m doing now. While wrking It gives me energy, and makes the time goes by faster. But its mellow energy. Like floating on a cloud the whole night.
I 4got 2 mention. It has a fruity flavor profile. And about a 3rd of it came out purple. I notice when rolling up mainly purple, the fruit flavor is stronger.
And we have life on the 2nd seed. Same strain.
Wow! Huge haul and your description sounds fantastic! Great job!
Thnx. I hope I have as much good luck and fortune on my 2nd grow, as I did on my 1st grow.
Damn she thick
Good luck again bro