When should you see something?

We know our seed cracked as it was in paper towels. It is day 7 and still we can’t see anything in the Grobo, no plant or no roots coming out.

By when do we decide to scrap it and try another seed? Should I extend it 7 days and see what happens or wait the remaining 3 days first. Again it did crack in the paper towels and had a small root before putting it in the Grobo.

We might just be impatient not sure.


I would let the 3 days go past for the 10 days it’s supposed if there is no sign 🪧 of life I would scrap it an start over :+1:t2::dash::seedling:


I took the small piece off the top and this is what I saw. It is doing something I think.

Sorry old man eyes, I can’t really see it, had to zoom in on the photo to see. :rofl:


Im going to follow this because im in the same boat


That almost looks like it has turned and started to grow downward. You might have to do some surgery and cut the pod with a razor blade and see what’s going on. What do you think @Todd.grobo @SilverGrobo


likely has curled over and is going down yes. You can gently use tweezers to try to pull it up a bit and unwind it if required. If not pull her out and give it a new try.


I removed the top covering, so I might give it a day to see what happens now that light is hitting it directly…

I have another one ready in case this does not take.


Good and bad. The good, we decided to use the other seed that already cracked and the root is about 1/2 inch long. So ended the grow and redid it from day 1.

The bad is the pod is semi fragile so I had to stop digging around, so part of the old seed root/stalk might still be there. The new 1/2 inch root seed, went in fine. just started the new grow.

If this doesn’t work we have another pod somewhere :grinning: just could not find it right now. We are really in no hurry, this is only for fun.


Wow, only day 2 and already can see it. So I hope this one takes as we went thru 3 out 5 seeds so far and have nothing but this little growth. 1 seed had the problem, we lost 1 :rofl: as we dropped it and with our old men eyes never found it, and now this new one.