It definitely has my interest perked.
Controlling temp and humidity is extremely hard in this city in a house without AC. 24.4% of Albertans had AC in the province (equivalent of state) in 2014. With a population in 3 + million.
It is not common weather previously, now all the records we have are all since 2015. Whether its for hottest days, smokiest days (were on day 32 now for a new record).
I have a sealed room, however, as the heat raises on the house (south facing), the more humidity can be maintained in the air, which in turn raises the heat, its a horrible cycle. I saw temps in 40c a month ago with humidity in 90%
As someone in a dry temperate city, I can’t be the only one who struggles with RH and temp. I can see that being dry though is the opposite problem most people face with too high humidity and the horrible cycle I have.
I figured out why I likely have not had huge root rot issues btw @FireGuy
I am working on some articles for the helpdesk and on my research found that one method of eliminating the environment for the bacteria is an overabundance of air. Up until recently, I have had 2 stones in the units full time (not suggested by Grobo, just as a backup as I was away on business trips frequently). There were actually quite a few tidbits I learned about it. Very interesting how culturally active the plant’s roots are.