Is it possible that the top of the coco pod is dry and the bottom of it is very wet? Or is that normal?
That’s good/normal if the top is dry.
How is the base of the stem up top, can you get some better pics of that?
What do you mean? Like from where I topped it from?
At the base of the stem, where it meets the cocopod. @pyromancy was asking about that too – a better pic of that area would be good (maybe with flash?).
Around the sides of it, rather than the front here:
If it still stands up firm on its own that’s probably no big deal, I think you might’ve narrowly avoided “damping off”.
Now that the roots are cleaned off perhaps just see what difference that makes. Did you happen to do a drain/fill or are you planning to soon?
The root does not look out of place. That blue dot, however…
Uh oh what’s the blue dot mean
Never seen it before, I think it might just be something random. Is it attached to anything? I doubt it’s alive.
Looks good! I’d focus on keeping water cool & clean and perhaps make sure the humidity is as high as you can get it.
Thank you very much!
Hey @Erik_Curiel, did you ever investigate that dot? Just curious. In my first pod, I was running fingers across top trying to find hole and dislodged a small hard cornered piece of plastic that seemed to have come from nowhere. I’m wondering if it’s possible that some extra debris could’ve somehow found it’s way into a few pods.
Im not sure, I removed it and crushed it. Kinda looked gooey & crunchy