Sour Diesel (First grow)

Oh yeah she’s gonna shoot up lol I have a feeeeeliiinng
Looking really good, a lot of growth in a week


I think you’re correct Sir! I’m glad I bit the bullet and flipped her over. For genetics I’ve never grown before…seems like the “safe” route. :+1:t2:


Day 51…7/14 of transition:

Instead of doing one or two large defoliations, I usually trim off leaves that are either too low to get light or high up and blocking light from bud sites on a continual basis. Here she is currently.

One question I have is regarding my nutes. I have used just about equal parts of bottles 3 and 4…but 5 seems almost untouched. I checked for kinks in the line but all seems well. Odd.


That does seem odd, my current grow (GDP, polar opposite of your Sour Diesel) is using more of bottle 5 than any of the others. I know the usage is recipe specific but hardly using any seems off. Plant looks wonderful however :man_shrugging:t2: haha. I’m interested to know what you find out.

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She’s looking amazing! Sour Diesel is a favorite of mine.


@tightt Are you using tap water?


I’m using RO water (I’m a saltwater reef tank guy) that comes from a bad-a$$ RO filter (5 stages). I then PH down the water and check it using a PH pen. :blush:

Another thing that can prevent that bottle from dispensing is a kink in the hose. If it’s not pinched at the lid then it might be squished by another hose at the front where it wraps into the reservoir around the white plastic piece. You can follow the hose to check that.

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What’s interesting is that it doesn’t seem to care about not getting #5? Usually that causes a deficiency/spotting when I’ve seen in past.

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This is one of the fan leafs that I trimmed. Everything else looks OK for now. I did check the lines a few days ago and all looks well. Maybe tonight I’ll really dig deep to make sure there are zero kinks.

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Day 56 update: Stretching!


I’m foreseeing issues with this girl getting too close to the light. Day 2 of flowering:


She still looks good but if need be you can push the coco pod down like this.

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I’ve seen that trick before but I’m hoping it won’t come to that. We’ll see how she responds and act accordingly. Perhaps some super cropping will be in order.

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Running out of space:


Good thing you went with your instinct!

Alas, I may have been too late with my instincts on this one!! She’s a tall girl!!! I think I’m going to start super cropping now as I believe its easier early-on and becomes more difficult later.


Sativas do get massive!

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So last night right after lights out (6:30pm) I lost internet at my house. This morning it’s still out (not sure why…waiting for optimum to open). The lights in my Grobo did not come on at 6:30am like they were supposed to. I rigged up a temporary grow light hanging on the Grobo.

This seems to be a fatal flaw in the excellent Grobo design. I mean…what if my internet can’t be fixed for a few days?!? My grow gets trashed??

@Stephen @bjorn Any recommendations here?



power interuptions/ outages

  • (#No Wifi): (#No Power):


  • ((#ILoveThisFlower)): :white_flower::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sparkling_heart:
