Day 29/35 LV/ day 52 overall.
Well Danielle could only really confirm damping off and offer support whether I decide to stay in veg or flip. I decided to stay in veg a little longer to see if I can’t beat this thing and to try some proactive measures.
On a side note, I performed these things yesterday morning/afternoon between having Mohs surgery while numb. Thank goodness I did it numb because I didn’t feel like doing anything last night!!!
Right, so @miami5th recommended an h2o2 treatment on the stem and pod, and while no slime or bad smell, roots looking bit darker than creamy plus a little twisted- if not needed yet did prophylactic h2o2 treatment on them as well. During root soak, did thorough cleaning of reservoir.
Pics of clean res, roots coming out of peroxide, plant back inside, ahhh, pod and stalk today and plant tonight.
Today, even through all this damping, is the first time she’s looked so droopy in I don’t remember when! I’m hoping tomorrow morning she’ll be perky again. The only other thing I did was only fill to the 2nd fill sensor. This seemed to be keeping pod dry very well but when plant looked so droopy this morning I tried topping her off and pausing and I’m sure many of you know or can guess how well that worked, lol. With everything put back together, it’s tricky to do without a reboot. This evening around 7, still droopy. I caved like she was a crying baby wanting to be held and let her drink her fill as the pod still felt dry. 3 hours later, 4 hours later, still droopy, but good news is pod still feels good!
Fingers crossed I see praying leaves again in the morning!