pH Probe Calibration Reminder

Please add a step in the automated grow that requires you to check calibration.
If you’re not an experienced grower this isn’t something you regularly think about, especially in an automated machine. It shouldn’t have to take a ticket to support to remind me to do a calibration.

Based upon experience:


This is great. I would go as far as doing a weekly look
:eyes: prompt when doing a drain and fill and maybe every 2-4 week health check. Very good for a reminder as I forgot to do this on my last grow often as well :sweat_smile: :+1:


I thought its after every gro to calibrate ect…?


I’m on my first grow plant is looking great day 52 never did a health check or had to calibrate yet ?

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Excellent!! Great job!


Lol allcrazy I’m curious just like you are

Do we have to check it all the time the guys/inventors of grobo??? I would like to no watched alot of videos n it said after every grow now I’m curious cause havint checked it or nothing???

Well just put a ticket in to get health check ect… mix shur everything is fine is there a way todo my own health check in maintenance it just shows calibrate ???


Every 3 months (or as often as possible), we recommend that you calibrate your pH Probe using our Calibration kit.
I calibrate before every grow! And if there is a nute problem always check to see if your probe is gunked up.


You do your own health check on the probe. You will need the calibration kit though to do this part. Once you have that together go in the maintenance tab on the app. Click calibration and it’ll do a health check. If it’s good then that’s it, you’re done, if its off a bit it’ll ask you to recalibrate the probe. Then it’ll prompt for another check after the calibration I believe and it’s good to go


I just had to do this part cause my Grobo has been off for the last month and a bit and wanted it to be ready for my next grow coming up :call_me_hand:


Do I need to calibrate on arrival or just as you all saying do a check every so often?

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It might prompt you to when you start your first grow, I forget, but yeah I would just recommend keeping it as clean as possible without really disturbing your plant and do health checks at least once a month in my opinion. I wasn’t as diligent on my last grow and it suffered for sure, from now on I’m going to do what I suggested