Thanks a lot Mark, that sounds like a great way to use all of it. For a foliar spray I’ve been using HS’s Flower Shield but if I can make a tea w/ bennies and organic insecticides that’s even better
Tea has been the best results for me with foliar spray… It also aids to keep the bugs away like Flower shield…
When compost tea is applied as a foliar spray the nematodes within can even attack and defend against insect pests on leaves and stems, such as leaf miners…
I can find you some data on it if you want.
That makes complete sense I will begin doing so weekly. I still have to order the boogie brew… so maybe next week I will use the tea as a spray. It can only benefit as long as I make it right.
I found a local grower who makes his own worm castings w/ great success & the quality and freshness alone is benefitting my plants greatly as an amendment. Upon his next harvest I will make my next tea.
That is true you need a nice brew for sure.
Same here I buy my worm casting of a local worm farm. Quality is better and half the price
How are the plants looking? Did they green up again?
Just a FYI I stop spraying when the flowers are out
Also have you ever looked into “Fish Shit”
If you wanting to boost your bacteria and microorganism production this product as a stand alone has amazing results…
Now you can also add this to the END of your tea brew for a extra bonus…
or this works great also like this
1 gallon of RO water
10 ml of fish shit
5 tablespoons of worm cast
Brew for 5 to 6 hours and feed… Just watch your plants dance the next day
So, they haven’t been greening up as much as I’d like and I can’t be sure why. I have to do a ppm check in the soil and find out where it is at. The buds are densing up and frosted very nicely but the leaves seem curled like a nitrogen toxicity. I am going to order the fish shit but I wanted to find it locally and I was unable to do so so i’ll order it. My phone has been dead every time I have gone into the grow tent recently but I brewed a tea with fish bone meal, alfalfa meal, and castings for 24 hours and then mixed with water 1:1 but the plants look worse for wear since… I’ll try and test the pH of the runoff when they dry up and we’ll go from there. Pics to come tonight.
Sorry to hear it’s not going well maybe I will be able to see something when you post some pictures
Here’s a pic from yesterday. I fell asleep too early to post anything. I’m pretty sure I added too much P in the form of fish bone meal and thus locked out the ability for zinc and nitrogen to uptake b/c those are the deficiencies I am noticing most obviously. Any other info would be appreciated! On day 36 today of flower.
It’s does look like it’s lacking N
What have you feed / did in the last 3 weeks just don’t want to over so it.
But I’m think worm casting it will add N plus aid in breaking down the soil. Also if you got the fish shit it will help also. This will not add any food but it will aid the soil in releasing nutes of there is a lockout.
Also your pretty far into flower now. At this point I don’t see most of your leaves darkening up. But you can hold your ground for sure and still finish with nice buds. You flowers are looking yummy already
Thank you, Mark! I’m thinking of doing so with fish shit. I actually have another similar innoculant by the name of URB. I think this also assists in phosphorous and micronutrient uptake so I feel I will top dress lightly once more w/ casting and water in w/ the URB mixed in the water.
I usually add a cap-ful to 5 gallons. Do you think I should add more this time? I don’t think you can over-do it with URB but never can be sure…
I amended with castings around 2 weeks ago and used a compost tea w/ fish bone meal & alfalfa meal and castings and I believe that is where my mistake was made. Pretty sure there was too much fish bone meal in the mix and that’s why I think there’s too much P in there. I’ll flush and check PPM this evening
I haven’t used it before I just did a quick read sounds like some good stuff
I also don’t think you can over do it but I think the recommend rate should be fine. Because your adding worm casting, fish shit soon etc. Your soil should be alive.
I agree this isn’t a balanced tea diet and this could be a problem
I’m not sure I would flush remember your in flower and you don’t want to stress the plants out.
Okay cool. I’ll just re-amend w castings and try and get some fish shit today on my way home from work this morning. The girls were just watered last night and they’re bulking up nicely.
The heat in my tent is way high currently (78-89°F) with a heat wave in my area so I may turn the light down from 100% to 75%. Shouldn’t risk anything except the rate of transpiration which would benefit me if I could get it to slow down by a margin.
Sounds all good to me
89 is a bit on the high side but sometimes no other options…
Since I wrote that last reply I haven’t had many issues with heat but I am not going to re-amend with anything. Instead I’ll let the plants finish out on their own and continue to add microbes via URB with every other watering. The plants are so close to being done by looking at their trichomes and bud structure this far. As opposed to amending I think a nice flush will work well. I see a harvest in the near future… probably 2-3 more weeks max and then I’ll pull them all and hang dry in the tent. Definitely going to have to invest in a small AC unit to reach 60°F/60%RH for two weeks. I want the dry time on these gals to be nice and slow.
That’s a good idea I think… Like I said before your to far into the game to get the green back… Your plants will finish fine still no point in chasing it now… Plus if your only 2 to 3 weeks away Normally you don’t add anymore food. I don’t flush by plants when growing organic. For the most part I just feed them Carbs and Mico’s for the last 3 weeks
I said I wasn’t going to do it but I ended up getting one… I recommend you look into a dual hose model if you get one
Sweet. Thanks so much for the advice. It’s pretty difficult to see the plants suffer from heat stress so I’m looking around at different models like you recommended. I was also told Kenmore is a brand that would last so I’ll look at those and other brand names. Can’t afford to have anything break.
Moved the ladies around. One of the grape pupils is filling out nicely already and swelling! The other… not so much
she looks sparse, for lack of a better word, and more deficient. Very curious.
Everyone looks like they could be better off but once again I’m just happy to be this capable to grow my own. I’ll figure my methods out as I trial and experiment. Always wondering how I can optimize and overcome
From my experience if your in Veg you can allows bring the plants back to life… Once your in flower it’s very hard and alot of the time not possible to bring them back 100%…
Still looks like you will get some nice buds in there…
On the AC make sure the unit supports auto reset if power fails… This way if you want to control it from a third party controller your all set
We are getting somewhere! Days away from
Harvest I think. 64 days since the flip.
Glad I’m able to harvest these. Learned a ton! Can’t wait to do a big time clean on this tent and move my big girl in the 2x2 into this 3x3 tent. She’s ready to move on