Operation Auto Burp Jars

Update on sizing of the rubber grommets size they are 3/16"


Just a quick update itā€™s been about three weeks right now so far everything is working out perfect no complaints like it so much Iā€™m short a couple lids and decided to make a few more


What are the plastic caps on the lids for the hose

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You mean this correct


Yes sir thatā€™s what I was talking about well I think :thinking: :thought_balloon: thatā€™s all of it I took screenshots of everything so I can order off amazon instead of running :running_man: to Loweā€™s look :eyes: thru all the isles much easier this way :+1:t2::dash::seedling:

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I got my stuff local so I confirmed everything fits correctly but to the best of my knowledge this part list should work

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K I hope :crossed_fingers:t4: so canā€™t return to amazon plus Iā€™m not to sure if Loweā€™s would have all of that anyway :+1:t2::dash::seedling:

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Are you referring to the rubber grommets or valves? If you need any I have plenty of valves and grommets etc. I ordered a bunch of items and made a couple of jars. I ended up buying a curing system so I wonā€™t be using them if anyone can use them ill be happy to send them.


Thatā€™s a nice offer for someoneā€¦ Just out of curiously how did you like the setup?

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It works great. I automated the Airpump and had no issues!
Im using the Cannatrol now though.


Understandā€¦ I was just curious if there was something you didnā€™t likeā€¦ :+1: