So today is day 6 of my first grow, yesterday I noticed the seed pushed up through the surface and has a long, white, stalk. The seed hasn’t opened up yet and I’m curious, because I see others with little leaves popping out, if everything is going correctly? Thanks for the tips.
Mine popped on day 6 and think yours is on the way up as well don’t worry…that was my concern too at first
Try dropping a couple drops of water RO or Distilled Water on the seed shroud ASAP. Hopefully that will loosen it up enough for her to pop out. If it doesn’t come off on its own by tomorrow you can try to remove it by dropping a couple more drops of RO or Distilled Water on it and VERY GENTLY coercing it off.
Also your coco pod is sitting way to low my man, it needs to be even with the top of the reservoir lid. Gently push it up from the bottom. Be VERY careful not to break your cocopod. It needs to be done as I can see that your pod is too wet, this will cause many issues that will kill your plant.
Ah, shit, I followed a video of Stephen doing a first grow when I stuck it in there, he packed his way down in there. After getting your message I did some digging and apparently there’s two versions of these trays, and you’re right, I’ve got one where the pod needs to be at the top. Thanks for the tips
(Congratulations): (
Thanks for the tips, all. So I raised the pod up to the correct level and I think that, in conjunction with the issues caused by effectively drowning it for the first few days, was enough trauma to kill the sprout. I planted a new one 6 days ago and yesterday I noticed the same kind of thing, the sprout was up but its helmet was still on. Last night, I gently remove the shell and this morning I woke to two beautiful leaves By tonight, those leaves had grown considerably and she looks to be well on her way. Thanks for the great tips.
How’s the plant doing now? Could you update us?
I have the issue of the door lock mechanism sticking inside the hole. Any tips for resolution?
She was doing great. She had big, beautiful leaves but she got too big for her britches and toppled over. The “white part” of the stalk was probably an inch or so above the surface so I suspect I hadn’t planted it deep enough. Hopefully, third time’s a charm, I planted a new one today.
As for the lock, that lock is just a tiny piece of metal on a hinge that raises and lowers, disengaging and engaging the lock. If it’s getting stuck inside I imagine that the housing that contains the little switch is either too far forward, or too far backward. I would opt for the latter because things generally loosen themselves rather than tighten themselves. I bet that the screws are a little loose causing the switch to drift back just enough for that latch to hitch up. I believe, if memory serves me right, that there are two little screws holding the whole thing on, I’d check there, but you have to pop the top first.
Note that I’m not Grobo support though, just a schmuck who had to figure a couple pieces out. You probably want to call them before you tear into it, they can probably guide you better that I can.
Thanks man! Next week I will give Grobo support a call and see if we can work together to fixing the lock latch sticking.
Good luck with your next grow! What seeds/breeder are you using? I’ve had good results from ILGM