New price!

Still listed for $2999.00 guess that’s the new price seems like a lot more if the only difference is the door

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I thought one of the big changes with the Gen 2 was that is was going to be less expensive? What happened there?

We got ours on Good Friday so it was on sale.

Trying to return it but since we opened it they won’t take it back. Hell we don’t even want a refund. Only want to trade in back in for a less expensive, refurbished Gen 1 and it looks like they won’t take it back.

What don’t you like about yours? @C453Y

I edited this as they fixed the price on the site.

There are plenty of things with the main one being it’s just manufactured very differently and we have our doubts that it’ll work the same.

I am not looking to bash Grobo. We love our Grobo Gen 1 so much. We simply made a mistake and are hoping that Grobo will do the right think and let us return the Gen 2.


Yea I agree @TheDogMan if it wasn’t for the Black Friday sale I would not have made the leap. And so far I like my unit, it seems others have had a lot of troubles which seem kind of crazy. To have to deal with issues after paying that hefty price tag. There nice but limited space wise. I can see a tent in my future. Don’t get me wrong it seems that Grobo is on it and making thing right! But still lot of money. I’m a contractor and my clients expect it done right the first time

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Yea I don’t know much about the gen 1 other than what I see from pictures fans drain hoses and that it really

I have one of each and Grobo 2 “should” be better, easier to clean and take care of and many other things once they work the things out.

My Grobo 2 issues are all gone and I am happy and started my first grow in it. It did takes some fooling, but Grobo support and people have been great.

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I really hope it works out for you.

Our experience has not been great. Just hoping that we can find someone local enough to do a trade or Grobo does the right thing and let’s us return it.

Hell we don’t want any money back - just a different product. In our case an older and refurbished one at that. Why would they not want us to be satisfied?

Hey @Bobface86,

Thanks for the poke on this one, there was an error in pricing on the Premium unit. It’s been fixed up now!

@TheDogMan glad to hear you are underway! Good luck, may the roads rise to meet you.

@C453Y we want you happy for sure, we are here for your success! I’m chatting w the support team about your case now. Look for a response through support before the end of the day.



Ahh ok I see now $2299.00 makes more sense thanks @Stephen


Thank you. Appreciate all your hard work :+1:t2:


Hi @Stephen

Thanks, we really want to get this resolved and look forward to your response!
