look at the thicc stacking now wow.
Awesome @Choppo0816
The day after me so were oretty even steven
Lol Right on brotha
I haven’t done this but
Male plants can also be used for:
Store in freezer for 6 month some say longer
Honestly this is a different feeling from the grobo I don’t know y but it is
I can’t wait to see the day you harvest you have no idea what you’re in for. Haha
So would I just keep feeding it like I was an just let him grow outside
Free the puppiez???
They like the space. Grobo requires a specific size or shape for optimum.
My vote is kill or juice
I haven’t juiced a male.
Im with mark, if your not experienced and not interested garbage it pronto.
I don’t think
I do but my wife sure does
she going to be so mad
Yea I think I’m on board with both of use ain’t trying to waste the time nor money
on something that ain’t going to be as beneficial just in the way to me
Well I lost track of time I’m actually on day 23 today as soon as my light turns on tonight I’ll be attacking them again u have anything u want me looking
for or just removing leaves
from here on out
Personally I would need to see good updated detailed pictures to comment sorry
Anything that looks like it will not get light I would remove.
Soon as my light comes on witch is at 11
hope ur still up so u can circle
what u think
needs to be gone
Looking beautiful bro
All of them are looking happy hey. Stinky yet? Frost starting ?
No not yet bro just waiting on that for real p.s got to do another trim today waiting to see what use think
Yeah i see a lot of big fan leaves!!!
Witch ones U think
have to go