New at this- a few questions

Hello. Received my Grobo (woo hoo!!) but am waiting for seeds to arrive. i did set up the Grobo and it’s on- have not added water or nutrients, yet (obviously)- so my question is- do i keep the Grobo plugged in and running or should i unplug it till I am ready to do a full setup?
Second question- has anyone grown a clone with the Grobo- or is the system only set up for seeds? Thank you!!


Welcome aboard!
The system does grow clones.
If you don’t have any water in it yet you can just turn it off until then.


Hey @f_mcdonald,

Welcome aboard! If waiting on seeds, ensure your pH probe is still being stored damp. If you have removed the cap, you can sit it in a cup of tap water til you are ready to go. I recommend running from seed for your 1st Grobo grow to get a feel for the system.



thank you!!! another question- once I receive my seeds- would it be better to germinate them before placing in the coco pod? just wondering if that is the better method, as some seeds might not germinate

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If you search the forums on this topic you will find this debated often.

I’ve tried several methods, still have more experimenting to do but across all my experiences so far, what has worked the best is germinating it straight in the Grobo from the beginning. Next experiment I want to try is putting it in water for 24h only, and then into the cocon pod to see if that works any better.


I use the overnight soak simply to make sure the seed is good and to find the right direction to plant the seed.


So I sent my Grobo up with a clone that seems to be a little Wilti and dry even though it’s moist and pretty water I’ve been told that my clone is probably at a different stage in that I need to adjust for that I don’t know how to do that with an automated system


Maybe shift you schedule to the next stage.

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How do I do that?


Go to the app and click maintenance then shift schedule, your plant should be in late veg, if not please move it there and wait for your ticket to get pulled from support.

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