My plant fell , what should i do

I just mean if you are using added Co2 to stop during Flush. Co2 slows the ripening of the buds and many keep pumping in Co2 wondering why their plant’s trichomes won’t turn amber fast enough.


ok how do u supplement CO2? i remember reading the smoke from dry ice in water is Co2?

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could u elaborate and recommend any Co2 solutions … not sure why i asked if it is in nutrient … its carbon dioxide. lol … what we exhale

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CO2 is most useful in enclosed grow tent set ups where the ac, heat and humidity sources are all inside the tent. This way co2 is trapped to build up and then people add monitors that release it to keep it at or around 1,000 ppm. In a Grobo it’s a crap shoot to be honest. You can add co2 with booster canisters, Exhale Bags, Refillable tanks with regulators, DIY setups with yeast and sugar or even better ones with citric acid and baking soda. All of this co2 is quickly exhausted out the vent so many argue that it is a wasted effort. I got buds that were almost 3” thick using co2 which convinced me that it helped. Not good science but I am happy with bud size and density so don’t fix what isn’t broken.


Ok :+1:t2: these are the bottles that u can purchase from the grobo store :department_store: website for ur grobo if ur talking for a tent :tent: there is a few people here that are actually using it now I’m in the process of learning about how to use it properly for my tent :tent: To maximize it hope this helped u out an answered ur question :+1:t2::dash::seedling:


I use those for the first two weeks it takes for my Exhale bag’s natural co2 process to ramp up. Right when the booster starts to die, the Exhale bag takes over. Those canisters only last about 10 days in my experiences and are not the best option, more of a filler or booster as the name says.


That’s gd to know I wasn’t gonna use them myself tho I have @Mpower11 showing me the ropes he has actual tanks witch would probably be the route I take as well :+1:t2::dash::seedling:

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