My auto seed was not on an auto recipe?

I have a White Widow auto seed and thought it was running an auto recipe, not sure what happened, it was not. I switched it to an auto one just now, but not sure what stage it should “really” be in as the mistake. It was saying transition before maybe day 10 or around there.


I would just match up the stage and day it was on in photo grow, idk what really you should do other than than this! happy growing, by the way your plant looks wonderful mate.


I am going for the most untrimmed plant. :rofl: I did cut some today, that was when I noticed the recipe was wrong. Tomorrow is my water change day, so might start adding the Bud Candy and more Fish S.


My drain hose is leaking Todd is getting me a replacement out tomorrow wonderful customer support! hopefully after I get the new one installed well be set for success!