Kushy Kush..Second grow.. Day 4

When should nutrients be plugged back up? Support said they dosed cal/mag and increased pH for uptake. ph was 6.0 it is now 6.2 after top off with water. I am sure it will adjust more. I will check ph in am. Pictures to follow in am as well.

Bottles unplugged last night. Ph-6.2, water temp 69 Fahrenheit. Should I do another drain and fill today without nutrients hooked up so that the water is just ph properly? Also as for pH adjust back to 6.0 I will submit ticket but it want get done till Monday. The spread seems to have slowed down!image


New growth looks good


Certainly wouldn’t hurt to perform another drain/fill as there is bound to be residual nutes left over in the reservoir.

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Day 26. Late veg 2/14. New grow all looks healthy. I have submitted ticket to put pH back down. Should I plug nutrients 3,4,5 back in yet?


Yes plug them in and run a water change (and cross your fingers :crossed_fingers:).


Yes plug back in … seems like you ha nutrient lock out


Thanks for all the input!

She is doing it again! Here is the scoop, she was recovering. I did a drain and fill last on Wednesday and also rechecked pH probe again, health was good. Manual pH was 6.0. I contacted support. They checked everything bumped pH 6.2. Overall spread has slowed down but still spreading. Question is do I do a d&f with nutrients hooked up or just do d&f with them disconnected? Attached photos show plant and nutrient bottle dispensing with last drain and fill! @chris_barfield @vegetato @Bplatinum9 @SWSVIC @Russel_Richardson

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What day of growth are you on?

Day 31. Late vegetation 7/14 @SWSVIC

Were these nutrient bottles used on a previous grow?

Yes they were! @SWSVIC

Appears to be calcium deficiency

The ones that were cut will continue to die off as it grows. Same thing for the next set up, they had some brown spots on their tips earlier on so they’ll probably develop more as new ones come in.

Is it taking from bottle #5 after drain/fill?

Did you top it or is the new growth hidden under those big ones?

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What kind of water are you using? Can you confirm bottle 5 is dispensing? Perhaps try flushing with plain water for 24 hours by disconnecting your nutrient bottles and running a drain fill, then reconnect nutrient bottles after the 24 hour period and running another drain fill. Perhaps she’ll open up.

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Yes I topped it at 5 nodes! I had already trimmed first 3 nodes off d/t nutrient lockout!! Bottle 5 did dispense on last d&f as shown on pic. Yes there is some new growth underneath hidden. @vegetato

If you could spread out those other leaves a bit just push them down a bit and give the new growth more light it might help.

Besides that, how’s water temperature been and have you seen the roots lately? All looking good there?

Roots nice & white, not slimy or smelly at all. Water temps maintaining at 69-70 degrees Fahrenheit. @vegetato

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This is basically what you want to do with those big leaves, spread them out like in this video:

Can also do the same thing with new growth. I try to remember to do this regularly but often forget. :wink: