Gunky Lid

So I looked “under the hood” and noticed the underside of my lid looks a little gunky. Should I be worried by this?


I’d wipe it off and stay out for a couple of days. Then check again

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Mine also gets like that

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Yeah it doesn’t always look pretty under the hood. From what I can see the roots look healthy. I personally won’t be doing a scrub or even looking in my resevouir until harvest is completed unless something drastic happens.


In between grows I’d recommend wiping that part down with the recommended cleaning solution from this post:

(We’ll likely update this in the near future as we discover what other things need to be cleaned)




@Chris can the next grobos come with parts that can be taken out to be cleaned easily … I’m 6 feet tall and it’s hard for my body to fit inside to reach the mute dispenser rack and other things …


@chris_barfield noted - we’ll see what we can do with our future products to mitigate this




My white piece of plastic that holds all the nute tubes, drain tubes, and probes came lose, so I assumed this piece was okay to pull out and scrub down and soak.
However, once I pulled it out, I see it was supposed to be taped in as to not move.
So now the tape has become non-sticky.

The only consequence to this is the drain tube… it no longer sits flush against the bottom of the tank because the white plastic piece holding it is not flush against the black tank. Now I get a lot of gurgling upon emptying my grobo and have to manually move the black drain tube around until I’ve gotten as most of it sucked out as possible.

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Mine is also like this. Also tried putting it through the dishwasher, top rack, sanitary hot hot hot, but it didn’t come clean.

If the reservoir was white I’d hate to see how bad that was stained up too :slight_smile:


I did the same thing (with the nute tube holder) minus I wanted to pull mine off and give it a thorough cleaning all around, I just used black electrical tape, one piece on either side and it’s still sticking now, been on there almost a month


Hey Guys,

Thanks for the feedback. However, this is very important: Do not put your lids in the dishwasher

These lids are heat formed and can easily warp if exposed to temperatures above 60C (140F). I’d recommend using vinegar or hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol, and a light scrubby brush to get the gunk off




Yeah I just used vinegar on mine and came clean no problem :+1:. The lid I mean


Oops… too late! Ha!
The cleaning recommendation was to use vinegar and that didn’t clean it.
Let’s update the cleaning guide with your additional recommendations?
